In the newest episode of ABC's Grey's Anatomy, Meredith and Derek try to have a night to themselves when Lexie offers to watch Zola; Callie hands babysitting duties to Mark so that she can surprise Arizona with a romantic evening; and Ben proves to Bailey that he knows her better than she thinks. Meanwhile, the ER fills with romantics, including a 10 year old girl with an allergic reaction to chocolate and a man who is hit by a car while chasing down his frustrated girlfriend.

Mer's case turned into a partnership with Bailey as they continually tried to find the pinpoint of a woman's disease in her body. The case caused Bailey to keep postponing her dinner plans with Ben and in the end he surprised her with a sweet, romantic meal at the hospital that he planned all along because "he knows her."
Teddy has never been a fan favorite character but lately she has been turning that around. She deserved to give that speech to Owen - he just can't think that everything can go back to normal just like that after lying to her.
Side Notes:
- I just wish the show would make a firm decision concerning the Mark-Lexie relationship! Just reunite them or break them up permanently so they both can receive better stories!
- Alex had a few sweet moments dealing with his kid patient and further proved why he will be a great pediatrics physician.
- Nice to see that the show hasn't forgotten about Derek's trailer.
- Richard and Adele continue to break my heart with her tragic dementia.