In the newest episode of CBS' The Good Wife, Alicia once again faces Louis Canning in court but recent financial concerns lead her to reconsider his standing job offer. Meanwhile, Diane reconnects with both process server Jack Copeland and ballistics expert Kurt McVeigh.
This week's episode of The Good Wife had every quality of what makes this such a great series - fantastic writing, a strong legal case of the week, great inter-character dynamics and wonderful guest stars.
The case quickly turns from a "simple" lawsuit against a big company for a defective product that caused death into a case against the sport of hockey. This episode marked the return of Michael J. Fox as Louis Canning representing the hockey league and yet again proving himself a formidable opponent to our favorite lawyers at Lockhart/Gardner. The case got even more complex and intriguing when another past opponent Frank Michael Thomas (played by the equally wonderful Fred Thompson) paid off testimonial experts to make sure that the firm wouldn't ruin his even bigger class action suit against the hockey league.
The return of Louis Canning of course also brought up his playful interactions with Alicia and his always standing job offer for her at his firm. Unlike the past, she was serious considering his proposal due to her escalating future financial woes and that Lockhart/Gardner will only give a small bonus. She in turn uses him as leverage over Diane to get an even bigger raise from them. This firstly causes Diane alarm and notes how much the money has changed Alicia. But later, Diane invoked her managing partner prerogative to give Alicia the money without a vote from the equity partners.
Also returning in this episode were some past lovers of the two name partners. First off, Elizabeth Reaser's sports journalist Tammy returned and yet her reappearance was mostly in relation to the hockey suit and not her trying to reignite the passion she had with Will was felt flawless and original. The hour also featured not one but two of Diane's former love interests - Bryan Brown's Jack Copeland and Gary Cole's Kurt McVeigh. Throughout the hour, Diane simply just entertained the option of being with both men and not to much action happened but I do foresee things heating up for Diane soon in this department. Personally there has always just been this strange connection between Diane and Kurt due to their polar personalities but I can also see how Diane can be seduced by Jack's accent and witty banter.
Side Notes:

The case quickly turns from a "simple" lawsuit against a big company for a defective product that caused death into a case against the sport of hockey. This episode marked the return of Michael J. Fox as Louis Canning representing the hockey league and yet again proving himself a formidable opponent to our favorite lawyers at Lockhart/Gardner. The case got even more complex and intriguing when another past opponent Frank Michael Thomas (played by the equally wonderful Fred Thompson) paid off testimonial experts to make sure that the firm wouldn't ruin his even bigger class action suit against the hockey league.
The return of Louis Canning of course also brought up his playful interactions with Alicia and his always standing job offer for her at his firm. Unlike the past, she was serious considering his proposal due to her escalating future financial woes and that Lockhart/Gardner will only give a small bonus. She in turn uses him as leverage over Diane to get an even bigger raise from them. This firstly causes Diane alarm and notes how much the money has changed Alicia. But later, Diane invoked her managing partner prerogative to give Alicia the money without a vote from the equity partners.
Side Notes:
- It was nice to see (briefly) the repercussions of Cary's admission of misconduct from the previous episode.
- Turns out a conversation with Tammy is what it takes for Alicia to warm up to a personal friendship with Kalinda again. Strange and unexpected but fantastic! Shots together by the end of the season!
- It is still great to see the animosity between Eli, Julius, and David Lee and for others to use it against them (i.e. Will). Hopefully all of that will escalate in the coming final episodes of the season!