TNT has ordered a pilot for the action-packed drama series The Last Ship, based on the popular novel by William Brinkley and executive-produced by blockbuster filmmaker Michael Bay (Transformers). The project comes to TNT from Platinum Dunes partners Brad Fuller and Andrew Form, whose credits include A Nightmare on Elm Street and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, with showrunner Hank Steinberg (Without a Trace) and Steven Kane (The Closer) also serving as executive producers. Steinberg and Kane wrote the pilot script.
In The Last Ship, a global catastrophe nearly obliterates the earth’s population, forcing the crew of a naval destroyer to confront the reality of their new existence in a world where they are among the only survivors.
“The book The Last Ship is a gripping page-turner that has all the makings of a terrific television drama, including a great premise, memorable characters, intense situations and heart-racing action,” said Michael Wright, president, head of programming for TNT, TBS and Turner Classic Movies (TCM). “We believe this show will take viewers on a thrilling ride and fits perfectly with TNT’s expanding line-up of original dramas. We look forward to working with Michael Bay and The Last Ship‘s outstanding production team.”