Sunday, September 30, 2012

'The Good Wife' Premiere Review - 4.01 I Fought the Law

        On the season premiere of CBS' The Good Wife, Alicia goes on the offensive when Zach is targeted by an overzealous state trooper; Kalinda decides to stand her ground rather than continue hiding after he ex-husband find her; and Diane and Will delve into the firm's financial problems. 

        This was a very solid premiere episode that teased a lot of what is to come this season, had some great guest stars and had a lot of plot going on. All of those elements combine to make this an entertaining premiere but not exactly a standout or landmark episode of The Good Wife.
        The main plot and case-of-the-week in this episode followed Alicia defending Zach on some bogus traffic charges. It was a smart way to incorporate the kids in to the episode and to liven up the (sometimes hit and miss) case-of-the-week story. Alicia and Peter both went into over-parenting mode as they tried to protect their son - i.e. Alicia unearthing the whole "North side of the highway" conspiracy and Peter threatening the county's State's Attorney to drop the charges. Both elements of those characters were exciting to watch but it was Zach himself who saved the day - with the wonderful use of the Internet. I wouldn't really call this a disappointing conclusion to the story but more redundant of past episodes. This show loves incorporating technology and (almost too) frequently a viral video is a key piece of solving a case.
        Money has always been a huge focus for the people at Lockhart/Gardner but this season it is determined to be even bigger than before. The issues were able to really highlight the wonderful dynamic and trust between Diane and Will but I'm not too sure if going bigger is necessarily better for this story. Sure it had some great moments with Will, Diane, David Lee and guest star Nathan Lane but I'm sure on how this story will build long time. I trust the writers and I'm waiting to see where everything goes.
        The episode introduced three new recurring guest stars that will influence how this season is shaped - Kristen Chenoweth, Marc Warren and Lane. The most surprising of which was definitely Lane as his character was much more quiet and calculating than any other of his past TV work from the past few years. That was unexpected and refreshing. Chenoweth was fantastic in her few scenes as she was able to hold her "battling" against Alicia and Peter.
        Finally, last year's finale had Kalinda waiting for her husband, Nick, at her door with a gun and the premiere did pick up immediately after that moment. The man behind the door wasn't Nick but he was soon cleverly introduced as a new client of the firm's to keep the viewer guessing. Kalinda and Nick have a palpable, damaged history that I believe we only scratched the surface on during their sex scene. It should be fascinating to see how destructive this relationship will get and how it will influence the people closest to Kalinda. 

So what did everyone think of the premiere? Who was your favorite guest star? Does Archie Panjabi have chemistry with everyone she's in a scene with? Share your thoughts in the comments.