As an audience member, we know much more about the true nature of Dr. Hannibal Lector than anyone else on the show. Thusly, it would be daunting task to make it convincing as to how and why Will, Jack and the rest of the people could overlook him being a killer right beneath their noses. The show has done a spectacular job of achieving this. When Will (correctly) makes the hypothesis connecting the copy cat murders to that of Dr. Sutcliffe and Georgia Madchen, both he and Jack go to Hannibal because they still see him as a calm and rational voice. They do question his motivations but not to the stakes of accusing him of being a serial killer.
Gillian Anderson's Dr. Bedelia Du Maurier has been limited to interacting only with Hannibal. She knows more information about his personal feelings and their shared, complicated past than anyone else. So when she opens that door to find Jack, it is a powerful moment. The subsequent chatting around patient-client confidentiality is enough to ruffle both of their feathers. Bedelia's conversation with Hannibal is also very exciting. It's worth noting how in that scene Hannibal is standing while Bedelia is sitting. She rises but he moves to his position in the therapist's chair. Hannibal is in full control of the information he tells her and that is his greatest attribute as a whole on this show. Mads Mikkelsen does a masterful job in his portrayal of the killer in that it feels no where like an homage to past incarnations of the character. That final scene between him and Abigail Hobbs is particularly chilling because he is forced to disclose much of his true nature to her and she is smart enough to realize she is not long for this world much longer.
Everything is left pretty excitingly up in the air for next week's season finale. I can't wait to see how Bryan Fuller and these characters end the season. I will have much more to say about this season as a whole afterwards and I look forward to discussing it all with you.
But in the meantime, what did everyone think of the episode? Abigail surely is dead now, right? How will Will convince Jack that he's not a killer? Share your thoughts in the comments.