But the hour focused a lot on forgiveness as well. Harvey forgave Mike for his betrayal at the end of last week's episode. So, now the Dream Team is back in action and doing some great work. But their reunion led Mike to go back on his promise to serve as Louis' personal associate. This is devastating to Louis because he finally got Mike on his side before Harvey swept back in and carried him away again. Louis' forgiveness of Mike won't be as easy as Harvey's and now he's teaming up with Katrina. She makes her craft return to the show trying to slither her way into the Ava Hessington case but aggravating everyone along the way. She's prideful and desperately wants to advance in the firm but unfortunately needs to align with Louis in order to make that play happen. Harvey passed Ava's business-related off onto Louis because he knew he would be better at that. But now with her murder investigation risking it all, it won't be long before both cases effect the other and the two teams have to help each other - albeit reluctantly, right?
Finally, while on the surface, it would appear that Harvey and Jessica are being friendlier towards each other. Harvey's plot to take Managing Partner away from her becomes more and more real as Stephen and Mike are both let in on the coup. Jessica is a tiger - as she describes herself, Harvey and Mike - and won't go down easily. That's why Harvey needs this growing support for him right now if he has any realistic chance at swiping her out of his way for good.
Some more thoughts:
- Harvey: "Cameron, you keep showing up unannounced."
- So, Mike and Rachel are now officially boyfriend/girlfriend. But they're still keeping their romance a secret at the office. Because that always works out great in the long run, right?
- Also, the show has found the perfect romantic foil for Donna who isn't Harvey. He's a Harvey stand-in! This thread was loads of fun here and will likely be a perfect metaphor for her relationship with Harvey.
- It's so nice to have Amanda Schull back on the show. She has a nice history with Harvey, Mike and Louis and adds another interesting face to the work environment.