Admittedly, "Bay and Ty go camping" was the storyline from the episode description that I was most excited to see. I mean it just felt unexpectedly different and unique and imagining Bay Kennish camping was just a humorous thought. The end result was less light-hearted. Ty took Bay out to the deserted area to have fun but also to see what she's made of. He in no way, saw just how horrible an idea it was to have her climb to the top of that tower and just jump off of it. Bay was amusingly skeptical and fell flat on her face - and on here ankle. Their brief separation showed how much they care for each other because they both worry. Ty that Bay was lost or dead in the woods and Bay bringing back the memories of fear when Ty's helicopter went down overseas. They see that deep connection and don't want to lose it no matter what. Bay doesn't want to go through that experience of not knowing and fear again and it takes Ty until the tower accident to see it that way. Now, they're going to talk to John to see if he can help - and that's going to quite interesting.
Last week Daphne saw the qualities in Jace that had been making some fans very furious. Now, in the aftermath of that blowup, things are still getting worse and more complicated both in their relationship and at work. Jace is desperate to hold on to this relationship and unwilling to let go until the very end. And yet, he doesn't care enough about Daphne to not send the threatening text to Coto. Or maybe he still cares - but too much - trying to intimidate him to back off from hurting her. That's a complex argument. But in the end, this story is about Daphne because she is the character we emphasize with. She lost a bit of herself when she was with Jace and now she's trying to regain her composure. It's just that is difficult to do as long as she is still interning at the State Senate's office. Even though she plays sick for a day, trouble still finds her when Coto's wife speaks with Kathryn. This forces her to head back to the office for her interview with Coto. She is completely broken down in that moment opposite Coto and deservedly anger at Jace when he tries to console her.
Deaf identity is a topic the show has always covered well and tonight Cameron finally got his Cochlear Implant. Before Cameron was unsure of the procedure because of what it would mean for his presence as a deaf person and in the deaf community. And yet, when the time comes he is surrounded by the people who care the most about him watching him receive the gift of hearing for the first time. Emmett and Melody did not agree with his choice but they respected it. And in the end, it was this moment that was able to bring this family unit back together civilly. His astonishment to the wonders of sound were amusing. I was fully expecting Emmett's drums to be overwhelming loud to Cameron but it was nice to see this family gather together and just be happy for once. Now, if only the show could have more scenes of Emmett interacting with Bay and Daphne.
But similar to Cameron's concerns about losing his identity, Nikki learns the truth about her father and is shaken to her core about what she truly believes in. She has always been well-grounded with her religion but now she is questioning what the whole point of it is. Religion has always been the biggest obstacle in her relationship with Toby. But all this questioning of faith has really put a strain on their impending marriage. He is now her rock and there for her to lean on. He respects her values too much to let her uncertainty degrade them.
Some more thoughts:
- This last week, ABC Family renewed the show for a third season. So happy to have 20 more episodes of the show in 2014.
- "There's a special place in hell for boyfriend's like you." Bay's best line in an hour of many memorable ones.
- Regina's reactions to John and her boss being nice to her are absolutely priceless.
- As was Kathryn's face when Toby asked her if they could have the wedding at the house. Overall a great episode of reactions and wits.
- But how could Bay walk around for two hours on a broken ankle?