Max's photography knows no bounds; Joel struggles for boundaries with Peet; Adam and Crosby too must set boundaries with the band for the betterment of their new business; Julia and Camille have something in common that does not make them happy; and Sarah talks with Ryan.

The best storyline of the season so far has clearly been Zeek and Camille's. Her desire for wanting to have a conversation about downsizing is the strongest material Bonnie Bedelia has ever had. And in this hour, Julia and Joel's story is elevated due to its association to the parents plot. The parallels between the two stories was the strongest stuff of the episode. Julia's interactions with both of her parents also felt special because that dynamic isn't something the show has gone to a whole lot in its life.
Elsewhere, we got a Max story. We haven't had a big Max story since kids showered him with Skittles last season. That's the storyline that gave the episode it's title and it really allowed Kristina to do something that felt real. She has fought for Max so many times before but this was just a situation that could not be won. And yeah, that sucks. But Parenthood is very unapologetic about that.
Some more thoughts:
- Josh Stamberg is literally Sarah's only tenant right?
- I really do like Sonya Walger a lot but this role seriously is not doing her any favors.
- Ryan's family issues were basically what I predicted after last week's hour but that in no way lessened the emotional value of that final scene with Sarah.
- The scene were Kristina sat down with the yearbook advisor and principal and said she sat down with Max and Adam was odd considering she and Adam didn't share a single scene at all.
- Everything is just too easy so far for the Luncheonette recording label plot. Adam got the music rights fairly easily. Tyson Ritter is fine as rocker Oliver Rome but he's over-the-top when the plot needs him to be and sane and willing to go along when the plot needs that to happen.
- How did Hank think that photo was appropriate for a school yearbook?
- I was honestly confused when "Burning Love" started playing when Crosby and Joel were in the car. It turned out to be a funny plot point. But it initially came off as too big of a song to actually be scoring a Parenthood scene.