Oliver is conflicted after Laurel reaches out to the Arrow to investigate Sebastian Blood; Sebastian exposes Laurel's drug addiction and has her arrested; Roy reveals his new super-strength to Sin, who wants to test out his abilities; and Oliver is surprised when Sarah reveals a secret about Laurel.

As Laurel comes to the forefront more, some of the more interesting elements had to be reigned in a bit. Diggle and Felicity only get a few lines tonight - even though they are some of the best of the night especially Felicity's quip about Blood's name signifying his villainy. Plus, we get an entire B-story about the continuing struggles of Roy. The show has made some strides in that side of the universe with Thea and Roy - especially by adding in Bex Taylor-Klaus to the mix. And yet, I'm much more excited to see the Arrow take him under his wing and teach him how to harness this new power of his. That could in turn lead to him being more involved with the main story with Oliver, Diggle and Felicity which could be great since that stuff has been so amazing lately.
Some more thoughts:
- "Blind Spot" was written by Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz and directed by Glen Winter.
- Maybe the key to fixing Laurel is to have her interact more with Felicity - the unabashedly most likable character on the show.
- Or now that's she unemployed, she can find purpose in the vigilante corner of the show.
- All the gunfire at Oliver and Laurel in the evidence room seemed completely unnecessary.
- In island flashback news, Sara contacts Ivo and they chat for a bit. Ivo has definitely become one of the more interesting villains on the show - entirely because they've put the time in with him.