Boyd and the Crowes fly South for a crucial drug score, while Raylan pursues a small time grifter with big time enemies.

Elsewhere, I am so confused as to why the show still hasn't killed Danny Crowe yet. I have a much better and deeper connection to Johnny Crowder and the journey he's been on since the first season. And yet, they have no problem pulling the trigger on him at episode's end. Danny's incompetence has always been a huge problem since the beginning and has kept getting worse and worse for no justifiable reason. Why didn't Boyd shoot Johnny and then turn around and shoot Danny? Because Darryl might retaliate against him? That's really the only explanation I can give about not killing Danny while they're still in Mexico.
The Crowes haven't been the best of additions this season. Wendy got to pull some sneaky maneuvers in "Raw Deal" and Raylan gets to appeal to her sense of morality. But I was also happy that Darryl and Danny only appeared at the very beginning and very end of the hour. Even then, they still infuriated me.
Some more thoughts:
- "Raw Deal" was written by VJ Boyd and directed by Bill Johnson.
- I'm also still really enjoying the prison atmosphere established with Ava especially the level of isolation she is in. She's trying to build up importance in this community now - and we'll have to see how that turns out for her.
- So, Alison is suspended and Raylan has some time off. Hmmm, I wonder how much time they will spend together?
- I have no clue if this is true or not. But it has felt like a major recurring character has been killed in every episode this season.
- The prosthetic was an amusing twist to the main story.
- Rachel: "Tim, did you not tell Raylan he's on walk-ins." Tim: "Raylan, you're on walk-ins."
- Chris: "Oh god no. Technology to reply to a post is decade's away." Yeah Tim & Raylan, Chris can be a dick sometimes.