Thursday, August 21, 2014

Emmy Predictions 2014: Outstanding Comedy Series

The nominations are in for the 2014 Primetime Emmy Awards. Over the next few weeks, I'll be going through several of the major categories and offer my predictions on who will win this year. Next up, Outstanding Comedy Series.

The nominees are: CBS' The Big Bang Theory; FX's Louie; ABC's Modern Family; Netflix's Orange Is the New Black; HBO's Silicon Valley; and HBO's Veep.


It's about time that some new blood wins this race - and nothing in this field is more fresh, creative and original than Orange Is the New Black. If it's a big night for the Netflix dramedy - like winning in Writing, Directing and Supporting Actress which are all very possible - I could easily see the series walking away with the top prize.


If the voters decide to honor Veep instead of Orange Is the New Black or Modern Family, I won't begrudge them. It's a fantastic and intricately funny show that just had its best season yet. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is essentially a lock in the Lead Actress field for the third year in a row. And a win here wouldn't surprise me in the least - in fact, it would make me very happy.


Not only is Modern Family the incumbent in this category. It has won for the past four years. Winning for a fifth year would tie it with Frasier as the most awarded show in this field. It would be the easy choice for voters to make. Personally, I didn't think this season was all that good. But it did produce enough good moments to still be considered a leader in this race. And yet, if it does win again, I will be upset at the voters for not choosing my top 2 picks. It seems like the show's time has passed.


One of these years I do expect The Big Bang Theory to win a top prize in the comedy fields outside of Jim Parsons. It's the most viewed program on television right now. That's huge! I don't think it has enough steam to pull off an upset this year but I do expect something soon.


The voters are basically content with recognizing Louis C.K.'s multiple talents on his FX series in the writing and directing fields. He produced yet another wonderful season - which may give him his strongest odds of winning as an actor too. And yet, it almost feels too niche and small of a show compared to the rest of the field. That's not bad. I'm just expecting any wins for Louie to be in other categories.


It's nice that the comedy was able to sneak into the race for its first season. Without across the board nominations though, I don't see enough support for it to be a major contender in this race.