Tuesday, August 5, 2014

REVIEW: 'Finding Carter' - Carter Sees Lori Again While Taylor Has to Decide Between Gabe and Max in 'The Fugitive'

MTV's Finding Carter - Episode 1.06 "The Fugitive"

Carter admits to having feelings for Crash; Crash plans to skip bail to avoid jail time; and Taylor can't decide between Gabe and Max.

I'm finding that the only part of Finding Carter that I actually care about and enjoy watching is the relationship between Taylor and Max. While that story is quite enjoyable, it's really not enough to justify the rest of the show. And frankly, the rest of the show is a mess. I so just want the whole Lori mess to be done with already. She's a crazy person when she needs to be and really only ever pops up at the end of every single episode for some cryptic remainder of her presence and to get the audience excited about the next episode. It feels like it's just being dragged out at this point. She'll appear only to say "in another day or so, we'll be back together." That was fine the first time it happened. But now, it's just getting so damn repetitive. I just want that story to hit its climax already so we can move past it and watch this family unit grow in a much more natural way without that big and awkward complication.

But the Lori problem isn't the only thing dragging this show done. Carter is our lead and the show simply hasn't made any kind of effort with consistency. Does her arc with Crash make any kind of sense at all? No, it does not. Why does she care about him? The show has never cared about an answer to that question. Even when he's giving his big monologue about his younger brother, it's seems like information after the fact. But I don't care about them as a couple. I don't even care about Carter as a character anymore because she alters between stories and mindsets with every episode. It's annoying. I fully believe it's all in effort to force parallels between Crash wanting to leave but staying for her and her wanting to go away with Lori once she pops up again. That symmetry doesn't really work as well. Her internal conflict of the life she's supposed to have and the life on the run with the woman she loves the most is suppose to be the driving story of the series right now. And yet, the show doesn't really care about that anymore. She only thinks about Lori when she's with her or someone mentions her name. Her story has grown away from it and into a bland thing of nothingness.

When it came to the actual story I care about, it was just a small part of the episode and it was mainly about Taylor's dynamic with Gabe. Gabe is another character without a purpose and can come across as creepy really easily. His infatuation with Taylor was sudden and jarring in the previous episode. That irked me and made me really dread heading into this episode with that story being a major thing. However, I was pleasantly surprised. It was largely about two friends who've been friends for a really long time trying to explore something romantic and realizing they are just really great as friends. That story could have produced many more moments. Instead it's just reduced down to one scene at a mini-golf course so Carter can have more screentime. And then, Taylor is just a naive and shy girl again unsure of asking Max if he's interested in her. Ugh! Just get together you two! You'll be much happier as a result!

Some more thoughts:
  • "The Fugitive" was written by Sam Wolfson and directed by Rose Troche.
  • Elizabeth isn't being careful with her affair at all. It's so obvious and she's not even aware of how much David knows. And she is suppose to be a detective! Yeah, that makes me optimistic about her abilities.
  • Can't Carter and Bird just be best friends for longer than 5 minutes? TV needs more strong female friendship and not the cattiness that they are often reduced to here.
  • The height disparity between Kathryn Prescott and Caleb Ruminer is really distracting, right?
  • Taylor: "You don't have any contradictory reactions?" Max: "I don't think so. All pretty dictory."
  • Lori: "You used to be so cool." Max: "So did you." Yeah, Max is clearly the voice of reason.