While in the process of dealing with a crisis in Yemen, Elizabeth faces a challenge at home when her oldest daughter makes headlines for protesting her university's new policy.

The main story isn't helped a ton by the addition of Jeff Hephner as Isaac Bishop, the head of a private security company. It's made a big deal that Elizabeth does not agree with the ideals of a privatized army. They should have played that up more. It gets mentioned by her press staff but consequences of her actions never occur. It's not made a big deal that she has hired people whose work she has publicly argued against. That's because everyone's sole focus is keeping the Yemen ambassador safe. That's where the focus should be because of the life-and-death stakes. But managing public image is another vital part of this position and the series would rather briefly mention it and then have nothing come of it - except maybe a passing comment by one of her kids. It then becomes even more wish-fulfilling when Bishop claims that her interview a year ago forced the agency to overhaul their training process. It can't even allow for two people to have idealogical differences and yet still find a way to work with each other. Everyone has to be on the same wavelength. Russell Jackson is ultimately the only person allowed to be in opposition to Elizabeth and that dynamic hasn't produced anything fruitful yet. He's largely just ticked at her for what she did in the premiere which isn't that interesting.
Lastly, Wallis Currie-Wood joins the cast on a more regular basis as the eldest daughter of Elizabeth and Henry. She's been deemed a mystery daughter - which is largely the show's fun way of addressing the fact that she hasn't really been mentioned before. She's nothing like that but the show makes it a big deal. Her character, Stevie, is largely just a more well-articulated version of the annoying teenage character. It does have some merit and I'd much rather spend time with her than the other two children in that family. Her struggles as a young adult thrust into the spotlight because of her famous mother have more weight than those of her young siblings who are simply in high school where everything is just trivial. I didn't need so much time spent on that character and her back-and-forth with her parents over dropping out of college. But I'm not terribly upset at her continuing existence on the series.
Some more thoughts:
- "Another Benghazi" was written by Barbara Hall and directed by David Semel.
- Elizabeth is slyly asking questions about George's death. And yet, in the end, she's going along with the accident story just like everybody else.
- Bishop justifies withholding information from the President until Elizabeth gets to the meeting because she's the one who hired him. Also, he didn't vote for the guy.
- George also sucked at magic tricks. That was the one thing Elizabeth and Stevie could bond over.
- The hour isn't without casualties. A member of the private security team is killed. But it's all so impersonal. The main objective is the Ambassador and he is safe. But the weight of the operative's death does still hit Elizabeth. If only it did the same for the audience.