In an effort to fix his money problems, Will is advised to sell his house in San Francisco. Faced with his impending absence away from Fiona and Marcus, Will focuses all of his energies into finding Marcus a new best friend. Meanwhile, Sam flies out to help Will pack up the rest of his belongings, only to discover a few surprises when she arrives.

I respect that Will and Sam have genuine love for each other. But it's also strong for the show to realize that Will still has lot of growing to do as a character. The best place for him to be is in his old house and with Marcus and Fiona. The more stable things in his life, the more likely he'll be able to grow. He needs the weird energies from Marcus, Fiona, Andy and the rest of his close friends in order to thrive. They are his family. That bond is really important. Sam can understand and respect that. She knows that he needs to be in San Francisco - just as strongly as she needs to be in New York. Yes, it sucks. The two love each other. But it's also recognizing the importance of where each of them needs to be.
Will and Marcus are each other's best friend. That is great for both of them - but also tragic at the same time. They both struggle to make any new friends. With Will, it's sad because he's a grown man and he's ending up alone a lot of the time with nothing to get exciting about. With Marcus, it's also sad because he's young and no one in this world wants to hang out with him out of genuine and mutual respect. Will deals with his issues by distracting himself with finding Marcus a new best friend. It's an awkward story that ultimately boils down to Andy being the next best thing to Will. It's humorous seeing how Marcus just really doesn't care for Andy. At the same time, it's also very apparent what Will is doing. Marcus tries to make things better for him when he leaves - but that only ends up doing more harm than good.
But now, Will is back in town for good. His house is empty. He was willing to commit to the big move again because of his great love for Sam. She has set him on the right path. But now, he's kinda starting over again. His financial issues are still problematic and his heart has been broken. And yet, he will now be able to be with his family and continue to grow as a person - which can often offset any ill-conceived comedic beats this show does.
Some more thoughts:
- "About a House for Sale" was written by David M. Israel and directed by Michael Weaver.
- I like that Fiona is committed to becoming a doula. And yet, she didn't have much to do here other than allude to the problems that Will is avoiding dealing with.
- All three potential best friends for Will would get him killed immediately. That was pretty funny. The kids his own age? Not so much.
- I'm hoping this isn't the last we see of Sam because she was fun.