A series of mysterious deaths at Tarrytown Psych leads Abbie and Ichabod to discover that an especially surprising spirit is involved.

So much of this episode feels like plot. Abbie and Jenny are searching for answers - both in regards to the murders and in understanding the personal demons that plagued their mother. The emotional character arcs just don't feel as strong as they could have been. A lot of the hour is spent on trying to understand what Lori Mills is trying to tell her daughters and then understanding the spirit that has plagued Tarrytown for years. It's all connected thematically. The spirit that is killing now is the same one that manipulated Lori into committing suicide 15 years ago. Abbie and Jenny battle the demon and send it away so it can no longer harm anyone else in this facility.
But the Mills family has such a strong history with this institution. It's the place Lori was committed to and where she ultimately killed herself. Jenny was committed there as well. It was only after her release that she and Abbie were able to become real and loving sisters again. Early in the episode, Abbie explains her fears that she too is destined to end up in this place one day. Everyone else in her family has gone crazy so eventually it will be her turn as well. Now, she is armed with the knowledge that her family isn't crazy just aware of the supernatural world surrounding them. Evil forces have been attacking this family for Abbie and Jenny's entire lives. The knowledge of such significantly alters their memories of the past and how their mother came across in their youth. This was all destined to be happen because Abbie is a Witness. That emotional connection is lacking a little bit. This should be a much bigger deal to these people and yet the show doesn't have quite enough time to explore it because they are busy dealing with the actual plot of the episode.
Building on the theme of family is the way that Katrina is viewing the baby that is under Henry's care. Because she is wearing Abraham's necklace, she sees the entity in the crib as a baby. In fact, it's a demon. Every time she holds it, it feds off her energy. It takes her awhile to catch on to it but at least she did. It's not terribly exciting. And now, the baby has aged considerably. I just can't find a way to muster that much excitement for this side of the story. Is this baby a physical incarnation of Moloch? Is the baby Katrina's? Henry has no problem playing up the fact that he was abandoned by his parents in order to get Katrina close. But why? Why is this story so important? Next week are we going to see her interacting with a young teenager? That doesn't sound like a lot of fun.
Some more thoughts:
- "Mama" was written by Damian Kindler and directed by Wendey Stanzler.
- Eyes open, heads up, trust no one. That's very weird advice for Lori to be giving her two young daughters. And yet, it's fueled by all the devilish things that have attacked this family. It has caused Lori to overly worry and then makes her appear crazy.
- Irving finally escapes Tarrytown by episode's end. It only took him almost committing suicide in order to find a way out. He stayed in that place way longer than I expected him to this season. Maybe he can be interesting again now that he's back interacting with Ichabod and Abbie.
- Did Abbie and Jenny never think to look through Lori's box of personal belongings before this incident? At least it presents a possible weapon that could help in this war against Moloch.