With Robert's condition uncertain, Danny re-considers staying in Islamorada. Meg's personal and professional obligations become overwhelming.

The audience is still largely in the dark over what happened that made the Rayburn family the way that they are. Initially it was centered around Danny being the odd one out who didn't or couldn't be a part of this family in the same way that the rest of them are. He is the screwup who only comes to town when he needs money or to pitch some grand new idea to the family. But now, the secrets of this family and their past are slowly starting to be revealed to the audience. It's not providing an answer or context for the sole sake of providing answers and context. The family is all aware of the past. The pain of it is keeping them in the positions they currently find themselves in.
There was a fifth Rayburn sibling, Sarah. Something horrible must have happened to her as whenever she is discussed it only brings up the weight of despair. The reveal happens so innocently too. Robert has finally awaken in the hospital but is having trouble with his memory. When Meg visits him, he believes that she is Sarah. He is confused and the family still doesn't know what his future looks like. And then, when John's son finds an old video of Meg's birthday party when Sarah was still around, John makes sure not to include it in the big reel he is making for Robert because he doesn't need to be reminded of that pain. It's all subtle details laid throughout the episode. It's a mystery that will be slowly unveiled throughout the season and yet the impact it had on this family has been strongly apparent for the last few decades of their lives.
The episode's focus though isn't on Sarah and her presence within the Rayburn family. It's actually on Meg. This episode does a fantastic job in showing to the audience how Meg fits into the natural order of this family in a much stronger way than the first two episodes did. Previously, it was the Rayburn men who were being given the time, focus and character work. Meg's point-of-view is just as important as John, Danny and Kevin's. And now, this episode provides some details on how she sees the world to great effect.
Meg has the vocational ironic narrative of wanting to make other people good and happy but has no idea how to do that for her own life. It's a compelling and distinctive character beat because of the Sarah reveal as well. The uncertainty over her father has left Meg spiraling over her failure to remove Danny from the will like Robert wanted her to. She has fought for Danny to remain a part of this family no matter what. But she has more respect and love for Robert. She doesn't want to talk about Danny taking over Robert's responsibilities at the hotel because in her mind Robert is going to make a full recovery. The will isn't something she wants to talk about and yet it remains an issue that she struggles with throughout this episode. Should she obey her father's wishes and draw up a new will without Danny in it? Or should she keep the legal one because Danny is sticking around and she doesn't believe this will be the end for her father? She has to consider all the possibilities.
Meg needs clarity in her life but her life is only interested in offering her further complications. So far, she has been the sibling most okay with Danny choosing to stay and help out at the hotel. But now, she needs to know what Danny's intentions are for his future because she is finally thinking about the family because of the uncertainty over Robert. Danny has no immediate plans to leave his family again. But to the rest of them, that is still an option that they are constantly worried about. Danny is a smart man. He is able to find out that Meg is having a secret relationship with one of her clients (who apparently is trying to build a new resort in the area). He has no judgment over her personal life but that information does make it appear like he is threatening her to ensure his name is still in the will. But that's not all the power he looms over her with in that scene. He is effective in being both a brother and a person who wants something from her because he tells her that she has always been living in Sarah's shadow. That's truly what Meg believes. Even when she is daydreaming about seeing her father on the beach, Sarah is there to break up their dynamic. It's that kind of knowledge that makes Meg who she is as a character. It's fantastic to see as well. It's something that will likely come back to hurt Danny later on this season - as John's narration vaguely teases. But right now, it has justifiable weight that is deeply rooted in a nuanced character.
Some more thoughts:
- "Part 3" was directed by Adam Bernstein with teleplay by Jonathan Glatzer and story by Todd A. Kessler, Glenn Kessler & Daniel Zelman.
- Why does everyone have a broken air conditioner? Most of these characters have money. I'm sure they can afford to get it fixed or replaced.
- John has made no progress on his dead girl case because he can only afford to think about it for five seconds in every episode.
- Danny interacting with the guests provides very valuable insight into just how charming he can be and how easily people can fall under his spell. It also shows just how much the rest of the family wants to believe that he is capable of making this change.
- Sally is completely in the right for only giving Danny a small pay check for his services. He does have to win their respect considering the shenanigans he was up to just a few days ago.
- Steven Pasquale sure does have a thing right now for former ladies from E.R. First, Julianna Margulies on The Good Wife. And now, Linda Cardellini here.
- The super strong storm that is happening during the flash-forwards is becoming so annoying for the symbolism it provides for the harsh danger that's about to happen.
- What is in Meg's car trunk?