Jake thinks Boyle might have met his soulmate in Genevieve (Mary Lynn Rajskub), an art gallery owner, and he tries to help set them up. Meanwhile, Rosa deals with inter-precinct theft and Holt seeks Amy's help with an image campaign.

"Boyle's Hunch" is the season's first big Jake and Boyle episode. Their friendship has gotten so strong over the years - to the point that Charles was ecstatic when he heard that Jake and Amy were dating. But now, the focus has shifted onto Charles as he searches desperately for a woman he can be emotionally open with. Rosa and Gina pointed out to him in the last episode that he is happy when he can connect emotionally to a woman. Sure, he still gets too serious too fast. But that is part of the charm of the character. It takes a specific woman to be able to handle all of that and find it charming. The search may be over with already as Charles has found what he thinks is the perfect woman for him in Genevieve. She likes the same things as he does and has the same type of obsessive humor. The only problem is that she has just been sentenced to 10 years for stealing art from her gallery for the insurance money.
It's a very hilarious prospect for an episode. Charles has finally found a woman he can honestly and openly connect with at the exact moment where she might be taken away from him for awhile. His infatuation does come on strong with her. And yet, this episode very smartly proves that he is still capable of being a great detective even when he is so personally close to the case. He wants Genevieve to be proven innocent so that he can continue to explore a relationship with her. That's what he wants so badly right now. Jake is willing to help him too because he trusts Charles' instincts as a detective. The line may be blurred a little bit but this team can still get to the bottom of this case.
Charles' hunch is proven to be correct. It just takes a little bit of time for the two of them to connect all the pieces. They do so in gloriously hilarious fashion too. First of all, they visit Genevieve in prison where both Charles and Genevieve are disgustingly wondering about the other. In that moment, personal feelings do impact the case. But it comes about in a very funny way as Charles is desperate to be seen as a cool, smart and cunning guy. They are given a new prime suspect in the case - Genevieve's ex-boyfriend, Nick. But before they head to his new art gallery, they break out into a fantastic musical number. They apparently have created a parody of The Black Eyed Peas "My Humps" about this hunch and the need to solve this case. It's phenomenal and one of the best comedic moments the show has ever done. It's hilarious and works because it is so unexpected yet so true to the characters in the moment. They are having fun with this investigation even though the case can hold major repercussions for their lives. It takes a lot undercover work and some later identity crisis in the wake of defeat, but the two do crack the case and expose Genevieve's innocence. This is a happy time for both of them. Charles has a real chance to be happy with a wonderful lady. Sure, having too much in common could create problems later on. But for right now, it's so rewarding to see Charles get such a major win.
The two subplots of "Boyle's Hunch" are also quite strong. Hitchcock and Scully being formidable targets of Rosa's rage was hilarious. They had a valid way to explain away everything regarding the missing ice cream. It's no surprise that they were the culprits. And now, the audience knows why they spend so much time in the bathroom. It's because they continue to enjoy dairy foods despite being lactose intolerant. Similarly, it was amusing to watch as Holt and Amy stumble with this campaign to better the city's image of the police department. Gina was right - which is a very funny realization for everyone involved. The best part was her "Gina Told You So" shirt. But this story also had the added message of these organizations needing to deal with and listen to criticism. It may not be a story that will have much impact on the rest of the season's story arc with Holt in PR. But at least he is trying to do right by the department and the city.
Some more thoughts:
- "Boyle's Hunch" was written by Tricia McAlpin and directed by Trent O'Donnell.
- What was your favorite nickname of the tarantula Jake took from his recent drug bust?
- James Urbaniak popped up as Genevieve's ex-boyfriend whose artwork is primarily him rolling around on canvas while having sex - something Charles wasn't too impressed by but still wanted to beat him at.
- Mary Lynn Rajskub was actually quite good as the female version of Boyle. She could fit in very nicely with the show this season. This relationship will probably be a serious thing and that could go any number of ways in the future.
- Charles: "I got nervous. She eats octopus balls and sleeps on the floor. She's the perfect woman."
- Charles: "She's being set up." Jake: "Framed! Art joke. Continue."
- Charles: "My dreams are coming true. You and me getting my lady off together." Jake: "Okay, you know how that sounds, right?"
- Terry: "Who throws away a spoon? It's the easiest utensil to clean!"
- Charles: "And he's a terrible artist. All he does is have sex on canvases. Any 4th grader could do that." Jake: "Well.... they shouldn't."
- Jake: "Hey, Charles getting in rather late. Where've you been?" Charles: "Cursing out my own shadow for hanging out with a loser like me. Also, an eye doctor appointment"
- Charles: "Next time you see me I'll be all out of orgasms." Jake: "No, you can't say that while you're hugging someone."