Senator Morra demands Brian betray Rebecca in exchange for another inoculation. Also, Brain secretly looks for an alternate cure for himself while he works with Rebecca outside FBI parameters to find the creators of NZT.

The show still has a dark edge to it though. A conspiracy revolving around the creation of NZT and Brian's need to avoid the side effects. That basically dominates the conversation of this episode as Brian and Rebecca get closer to answers as they reach new breaking points. It's compelling to watch as the characters attempt to juggle so many different aspects of their lives. That chaos helps inform their decisions while keeping the overall episode moving briskly. Brian and Rebecca are connected in a way that could create so much pain and tension in the future. But right now, their dynamic is the only thing keeping them going - even though Brian isn't being completely honest with her.
In "Side Effects May Include...," Brian is starting to feel the side effects of NZT again. Only this time they are much more severe since he has been taking the drug for awhile. It affects his hearing and vision. He loses time and blacks out. He becomes very paranoid and starts seeing things that aren't really there. All of these details add up over the course of the hour as Brian has to continue choosing to take the drug in the hopes of finding a way out of his current predicament. The side effects eventually become so overwhelming that he blacks out in the street and needs to be rescued by Senator Morra himself.
Things are only going to get more intense for Brian. The longer he takes the drug the more devastating the side effects could one day become. Senator Morra gives him a reason why he should continue doing this work for both his organization and the FBI. He wants to view Brian as a partner in this endeavor to change the world. Morra is a part of research that could radically change things in the world as they long as its willing to accept the change. That's the reason why he's playing this game. It's also the reason why he needs someone like Brian. Someone who is willing to push back and voice an opinion when told what to do. Brian hates that Morra asks him to frame Rebecca in order to stop her investigation into NZT. But it's all just a test to determine what kind of character Brian has. It's a cruel test that nearly pushes Brian to his limits with paranoia over how trapped he is in this situation. But it also potentially opens a future that could be beneficial to everyone involved.
Brian is loyal to Morra simply because he provides the shots that eliminate the side effects. He doesn't have the money or resources to copy that. That's why he is so determined to find answers with Rebecca. He wants to know as much about this drug as she does. He wants to know who created it and if there is anything else that can control the side effects. He doesn't want to be indebted to Morra because he has threatened his family and forced him to do dangerous things at work. Brian wants to be a good person who helps people in need. He has done that on the job. He sees Morra as a person who could compromise his values only because of NZT. The drug that makes him special also makes him trapped in a situation that has no easy way out.
The answers Brian and Rebecca seek are still very elusive. They make an effective team working outside of FBI parameters to learn the truth about what happened to her father. They make it pretty far too - uncovering a scientist who was studying the drug's effect on people before they all went missing. Whoever killed all of them is still a mystery. One that may be less so with the episode ending twist of Sands killing this scientist after Brian tracked him down for Rebecca. That could be enough of a reason why Morra sees value in Brian. Morra may be controlling who in the world has NZT. That way he can rule over it the way that he wants to. That's just speculation right now. But Sands presence in that final scene should continue to make the audience nervous about whatever Morra has planned for Brian in the future.
Some more thoughts:
- "Side Effects May Include..." was written by Jenna Richman and directed by Douglas Aarniokoski.
- Naz explains that she didn't show Rebecca the file about her father because she didn't have a high enough clearance to see it yet. She was always going to. And yet, that's the only thing she could say given that Rebecca knows the truth. It's also interesting that neither Brian nor Rebecca face any consequences for stealing that file.
- Rebecca is also busy impressing a room full of high ranking officials as they run a drill to prepare for potential attacks against the country. She even earns a meeting with the director which she cancels in order to pursue her NZT investigation.
- The side effects were very disorienting and built nicely in intensity throughout the hour. That's a trick the show can only reasonably do so many times. And how much more severe could these side effects get though?
- Morra also gives Brian five NZT pills as a sign of good faith. He promptly hides them in his apartment. How soon until he will need to use them? Or he gets caught having them in the first place?
- More characters should take it more seriously when Brian shows signs of an illness. Rebecca has become a better character over these past few episodes. But she shouldn't just believe Brian's lies about his behavior in this episode. She should be way more suspicious of him.