Olivia knows she can't handle this latest storm on her own and calls for help from an unexpected source. Mellie and Cyrus continue to pull strings from the sidelines. Jake is still occupied by a ghost from his past.

Olivia is busy trying to change the narrative about her big love story with Fitz. She loves this country so much. She has often believed in Fitz as the President. She will do anything in order to make sure that he stays in office for the remainder of his term. However, the country sees her as nothing more than an opportunistic mistress hoping to be the downfall of Fitz and Mellie's marriage as well as his presidency. She doesn't want to be tied that much to the administration or Fitz's legacy. And yet, that's what she needs to do in order to make her relationship work not only for them but for the entire country. She has to change the conversation. She brings in Leo to help consult with the case because she can't be as objective as she usually is with her clients. Yes, she knows how to handle the situation and is able to determine the narrative to take the story in. But she also needed that outside perspective in order to say what she needed to hear in the moment. Quinn and Huck are great but are also loyal to her. This is just a job for Leo so he'll tell her what he truly thinks about the situation.
The first half of this episode is a little scattered as everyone is just trying to determine the path they should take in order to find redemption and value. Olivia believes she needs to be seen as a woman of the people in order to better her image. When that doesn't go according to plan, she needs to follow the strategy that Leo suggested in the first place: creating this epic love story between her and Fitz. It takes her a moment to get on board with that plan because it connects her to his presidency in a way that she's not entirely sure she can handle. It takes Jake to point that out to her. When she hears it out loud, that's when she understands what she is feeling at this moment.
Olivia does this incredible interview when she gets to shift the conversation by building up her great love for Fitz. It's a fantastic moment for Kerry Washington as she goes into this big and eloquent monologue about falling in love with this man despite him being married and the pain it is currently causing a lot of her loved ones. It's a fantastic moment that definitely has the value it is meant to have on the show at the moment. That was the precise kind of moment that could bring a change to the conversation. It's this sweeping moment that has value. She is vulnerable in a way that the public hasn't seen from her. Some may argue that it's what she had to do in order to bring legitimacy to this romance. But it definitely pivoted the conversation into a new direction. One that was fitting of her needs and her desire to keep the relationship and Fitz's presidency alive.
Unfortunately, the investigative committee was given a piece of evidence that could bring impeachment charges to Fitz. His new lawyer suggested the frequently done tactic of burying the other side with a mountain of paperwork. It's all printed out so people have to physical go through each piece and determine whether or not it's relevant. That takes time. Time that gives Olivia and Fitz the ability to cover their tracks. The one thing that they discover that the committee has is the fact that Fitz went to war just in order to get Olivia back when she was kidnapped. That was the highlight of last season. It was perhaps the most selfish move that Fitz has ever done on the show. It's great that he's still dealing with the consequences of that action. Olivia may be proudly by his side. But it's still enough to get him impeached because she has effected his ability to lead this country.
Fitz needs Cyrus to lie to the committee should he be called to testify in this ongoing investigation. That's a lot for Fitz to ask Cyrus at the moment - especially since Cyrus is furious at Fitz for refusing to take him back as Chief of Staff. The two of them built this administration into what it is. They are on horrible terms at the moment. Cyrus is taking so much pleasure out of watching the news coverage of the Fitz-Olivia relationship. He sees all the strings being pulled to manipulate the American people into thinking one way about them. He has a wonderfully good time with Mellie as they are on the sidelines unable to actually do anything. But when he is called back to the White House, Cyrus shows up to hear what the President has to say.
Now, Cyrus knows all the secrets about this administration. He actually lists a lot of them - which already sets the show up to pull the rug out from underneath the characters with this investigation at some point. They are solely looking at the West Angola angle that they could be completely missing something else that opens Fitz up to impeachment. That's a future concern though. Right now, Cyrus has to tell the President just how much he has devoted everything about his life to this cause. It's no surprise how passionate Cyrus is for this presidency. But actually hearing him say how much it has defined his life and his memory is so engaging and griping. He is angry with Fitz. He wants to support this impeachment. He did so much for him and Fitz then fired him anyway and refused to take him back. A job offer isn't enough for him to keep quiet about all the secrets of the past. Fitz needed to prove himself to Cyrus again. Show that their bond was one of family and not just of co-workers. Fitz did that with his own inspiring speech. Cyrus eats it all up. Fitz may just be manipulating him in order to get what he wants. But Cyrus is just so happy to hear those words that he is willing to return to his old job. He made plans with Mellie. But now, the future is back on track with what he always wanted it to be. The administration just has to get over this massive hurdle first.
Some more thoughts:
- "You Got Served" was written by Zahir McGhee and directed by Kevin Bray.
- Oh that's right, Cyrus is still married to Matthew Del Negro. That was strange to have him pop up for a second in the beginning only to disappear afterwards. It's as if the show only needed someone for Cyrus to say how important this news coverage was.
- Also in strange returns, Norm Lewis pops back up as Senator Edison Lewis as someone who can say nice things about Olivia to the press. It is a nice call back to the show's strongest batch of episodes back in Season 2. But it's essentially pointless after a few minutes in this hour.
- Mellie isn't going to be happy. Everyone seems to be abandoning her. Her divorce is now public knowledge. She can't work on the investigation into Fitz's action. Plus, Cyrus chooses Fitz over her again. That anger should manifest in something very enticing very soon.
- The Senators in charge of the investigation reach out to Marcus in order to get some inside information on Olivia. But the plan backfires on them. That's how Olivia learns that they have the files about her being kidnapped. However, why is Marcus so blindly loyal to Olivia? Yes, she helped him when he needed it the most but the Senators also threatened to destroy his life even more than it already has been.
- Olivia also meets Jake's wife, who was returned to the states with him. I guess he has completely forgotten about that investigation he was doing in Paris last week.