When Mindy's fertility practice faces financial trouble, she finds herself forced to take on an unlikely business partner.

It was such a surprise to see Adam Pally pop up again in this episode. Peter was a meaningful part of the show during its second and third seasons. Just because he's gone as a regular doesn't mean he should be forgotten - like so many of the other former regulars. Peter is actually a character who has relationships with the important characters on the show. He and Mindy have such fantastic chemistry. That's what makes it so exciting to see him appear during the most chaotic time in Mindy's life. However, the show really doesn't use that in this episode. His presence is largely just something else that Mindy has to juggle in her life right now. She's just trying to pass him off onto someone else so she doesn't have to deal with him.
That gives the show the ability to properly explore the friendship between Peter and Jeremy. But it's also such a weak subplot that brings in Tamra and Colette as well. Peter left the show in order to have this good life with Lauren and her son. His wedding was a big event. And now, he speaks of his life as an annoyance. Something he gets to complain about and use as an excuse to explain why he has been such a terrible friend to these people as of late. The bond between Jeremy and Peter wasn't all that great before he left. This episode sets out to show that the two of them do care about each other. But that will only be important if Peter comes back again in the future. He did this guest appearance so it's very likely he'll pop up again sometime. But the work being done in this episode is largely for Jeremy, who is still a regular character. It shows that he is not as much a sad sack as he was previously envisioned. He has friends and is having a ton of sex thanks to Jody. Sure, he still has a bird in his apartment. But his friendship with Peter is something that he is proud of and the audience should be proud of it as well. It's just a tad too clunky in this episode to actually work because most of the story revolves around people telling Peter he's a bad friend.
The show fares much better with its main story. After Mindy dumps Peter on Jeremy, she and Morgan learn that her fertility practice is losing money. They don't have a successful business model. It's something they have to address right away if they want the business to continue. It's a very good thing that the show is finally paying attention to this aspect of Mindy's professional life. Previously, it's just been something that she says she is a part of but she still always just worked out of the same office with the same co-workers as usual. The focus wonderfully shifts to her other business here as it becomes the big crisis Mindy needs to deal with while also figuring out how to be a single parent.
Mindy doesn't want Danny to worry about all of her problems. He has enough to do in California with his dad. But things are tough on Mindy too. Her life is not just a smiley face emoji wearing sunglasses. Her life is difficult as she has to make compromises in order to ensure the safety of her son. That's her biggest priority at the moment. She's working harder than she has ever worked before. But she's also struggling to handle it all. She's doing many things at the moment but none of them are being done satisfactory. She wants to be able to do it all. But that becomes more difficult the more real her life gets around her. She wants to be a good mother and have a successful business. She gets a solid idea from Jody to give a talk to college students but she isn't able to prepare for it because she's up all night dealing with Leo.
The presentation is one wonderful set piece for the episode. It shows just how well put together Jody is capable of being while also showing just how gross and despicable he also is. Mindy needs the help of others in order to make this presentation a success. Sure, it looks pretty grim for a moment when the students turn against Jody because he slept with many of them. But it's saved - first by Morgan's back flip and then by Mindy's rousing final statements. Life is much more complex than anyone can imagine. That's why she wants these students to consider freezing their eggs. That's also why Mindy learns that she can't do this alone. She needs to accept the help of others. She takes on Jody as a business partner as well as her OB/GYN. That could backfire in a spectacular way later. But right now, she sees the benefits of having him around for her business. And lastly, she finally opens up to Danny about how hard her life has been over these last few weeks while he's away. It's a simple moment to close the episode but it packs one serious emotional punch.
Some more thoughts:
- "Later, Baby" was written by Tracey Wigfield and directed by Ryan Case.
- It's funny that Mindy goes into parent mode when it comes to dealing with Peter. When she brings him to the office, she gives him a juice box with a straw and tries to distract him by giving him something to color.
- Weren't Tamra and Colette friends just a week ago? This divide between them only happens to highlight just how horrible Peter is as a friend.
- Last week Annette fought to have as much time possible with Leo. But this week, she blows him off in order to take a sweater-knitting class.
- Mindy: "And doing Danny's side of the chores, which as it turned out was all of the chores."
- Peter: "Great news, I'm your houseguest for the week. Take care of me!"
- Mindy: "Would a depressed person have the energy to drink two bottles of wine a night?"
- Mindy: "I'm going to be doing this presentation by myself. It's going to be as compelling as a TED talk and as funny as Ted 2."
- Mindy to Leo: "Oh cool, I just wiped you with my presentation."
- Jody: "Ann Marie, the wife of my brother. Why didn't you gasp?" Mindy: "Honestly that seems on brand with you."