HBO has given a 10-episode, straight-to-series order to an untitled drama created by Hagai Levi (In Treatment, The Affair) and Noah Stollman. Joseph Cedar is on board to direct. The drama will be filmed in Israel with production set to begin next summer.
Based on actual events, the drama follows the tragic torrent of violence that followed the disappearance of, and intensive search for, three Israeli teens during the summer of 2014. The season follows an idealistic investigator for the Shin Bet (the Israeli equivalent of the FBI) as he deals with the ramifications of violent reactions on both sides of the escalating conflict. A new command position thrusts him into a confrontation that undermines his faith and worldview, leading to a dramatic conflict between his values and the actions of those closest to him.
The series is a co-production between HBO and Keshet Studios. Levi and Stollman will executive produce with Avi Nir, Alon Shtruzman, Karni Ziv, Peter Traugott, Rachel Kaplan, Michael Lombardo and Joseph Cedar.