Amazon has given a straight-to-series order to original comedy series The Dangerous Book for Boys created by Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad) and Greg Mottola (Superbad). The order is for six episodes.
Here's the series description: "Wyatt and his brothers are coming to terms with the death of their dad, Patrick, a wonderful, whimsical inventor who touched the lives of everyone who knew him. Patrick leaves the boys with a copy of The Dangerous Book for Boys, and the how-to book inspires fantasies for Wyatt. While in his fantasy world, he reconnects with his father and learns life skills that help him navigate real life."
Cranston and Mottola serve as executive producers with James Degus. Mottala is set to direct the first two episodes as well. Amazon Studios, Sony Pictures Television and Moonshot Entertainment produce.
This is the third collaboration between Amazon and Cranston - following hit drama Sneaky Pete and upcoming anthology Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams.