The drama revolves around Vic McQueen, a young working-class artist who discovers that she has a supernatural ability to track the seemingly immortal Charlie Manx. Manx feeds off the souls of children, then deposits what remains of them into Christmasland - a twisted Christmas Village of Manx's imagination where every day is Christmas Day and unhappiness is against the law. Vic must strive to defeat Manx and rescue his victims - without losing her mind or falling victim to him herself.
Jami O'Brien (Fear the Walking Dead, Hell on Wheels) developed the series and will serve as showrunner on the first season. She will executive produce with Hill and Lauren Corrao. AMC Studios and Tornante Television produce.
"NOS4A2 continues in AMC's rich tradition of immersive dramas that combine otherworldly stories with relatable relationships and big emotional themes," said David Madden, President of Original Programming, AMC, SundanceTV and AMC Studios. "Jami O'Brien and the writing team have vibrantly brought Joe Hill's incredible story to life for the small screen, and we are pleased to be making this diabolically unique new show under the AMC Studios shingle, in association with Tornante."
"I couldn't be more excited about the forthcoming adaptation of NOS4A2," added Hill. "I know it's in good hands with showrunner Jami O'Brien: her beautifully composed scripts show a writer at the height of her powers, one who has an exquisite touch with character and a relentless instinct for suspense. AMC's record speaks for itself: who wouldn't want to be in business with the Mad Men who broke Bad and made the Dead walk? And Tornante's dedication to bringing singular visions to TV has freed everyone involved to do their best and truest work. I can't wait to see Vic McQueen turn the throttle and go after Charlie Manx in 2019. Let's ride."