The animated comedy stars Will Arnett, Amy Sedaris, Alison Brie, Paul F. Tompkins and Aaron Paul.
501. "The Light Bulb Scene"
Written by Kate Purdy and directed by Adam Parton
This premiere does a solid job in just setting up the various positions the characters are in for the new season. BoJack is shooting Philbert as a favor to Princess Carolyn. Meanwhile, she is officially trying to adopt a child. Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter are getting a divorce. And Todd has become a What Time Is It Right Now? executive. Some of these stories are very introductory here. The focus is primarily on BoJack especially as he is realizing just how closely this character mirrors the life he has always known. The show gets even more meta because of it as well. The stories have always been so satirical with its observations about show business. That continues here with Flip believing he's doing something completely original even though it's so derivative and formulaic. It speaks to the overall trend of going dark for the sake of darkness in modern day dramas. It's a change of pace for BoJack though. He is realizing that he may just have to be an actor for this job. He has to learn how to leave the character behind at work. He can't take it home with him. Princess Carolyn is telling him to embody Philbert when filming but actually be a completely different person at home. He doesn't have to remain that self-destructive guy even though he is now playing one on TV. And yet, those lines are only going to get more blurred as the season goes along. Right now, it's already confusing for BoJack because the set is basically identical to his home. It all reads as a metaphor for how isolated and depressed he is. He's once again living all alone with Todd out of the house and Hollyhock at college. Not even his co-star, Gina, wants to stay the night after he seduces her. She is very rational about what this job is and what to expect from it. This is the norm for her. She is used to things being degrading for her. BoJack isn't used to that. It feels like a personal attack against him. But he's also learning that the world doesn't always revolve around him. He has to just keep doing the work for Princess Carolyn. He needs to be a good friend. He is definitely making the effort at the end of the premiere. He invites the crew to his house for a party. And yet, that still reads as him surrounding himself with people so that he's not alone. He's literally going through the same motions as his character. As such, he may not be able to leave behind this persona. It is going to seep into his regular life because he doesn't quite know how to balance that professionalism just yet. B+
502. "The Dog Days Are Over"
Written by Joanna Calo and directed by Amy Winfrey
Loneliness appears to be a huge theme in the new season. All of the characters are either alone or not quite clicking with their new lives. Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter's divorce is this very heartbreaking story. They have had problems for awhile. But it's so devastating watching Diane trying to find a new identity following the divorce. It's actually the show's take on the "divorced woman rediscovers herself" trope that has become very prevalent in the entertainment industry. In fact, it's amusing that there is a running story about Laura Linney starring in a movie with the same exact premise as what Diane is doing. That's what makes it so great when Diane runs into Laura Linney who explains that her film then pivots into an action thriller intended on launching a franchise. That diverges so much from the life that Diane has accepted for herself because of this. It's fascinating to see Diane in Vietnam. She left because she was devastated about seeing Mr. Peanutbutter kissing someone else. It was in that moment that she realized she would never have those moments of being understood and comforted again. She was all alone. As such, she needed to escape. She was fortunate in being able to turn this adventure into a story for Girl Croosh. The story is somewhat told in reverse as well with the audience being a little unclear about when all of this is happening and what prompted it all in the first place. It first seems like a "Diane reconnects with her roots" type of story. But she feels just as alone in Vietnam as she does in Los Angeles. It affords her different opportunities because there is a language barrier. And yet, she's still trapped in a vain and vaped world where people are always selfishly looking out for themselves. She at least accepts that it's okay to be alone from time to time. This episode tells a complete story in that regard as well. It feels like the season will spend most of its running time seeing BoJack trying to avoid being alone. He may be sticking to certain rules in the hopes of avoiding the same mistakes. But there's also the tease that something could possibly happen between him and Diane now that they are both single. That has always been a story the show has hinted at but never explored fully. It may never ultimately be a good idea for the two of them despite being kindred spirits. Diane walks away with clarity on her life despite the upheaval after all of this after all. Plus, it continues to be impressive how the show continues to up its banner game with each season. The banner during Mr. Peanutbutter's housewarming party may be the best one yet. It also reveals that he may even have awareness that this is something that continually happens to him. B+
503. "Planned Obsolescence"
Written by Elijah Aron and directed by Aaron Long
Two new relationships seem to be blossoming very quickly already. BoJack is trying to do the right thing on set. He wants to help people instead of being the problematic star of the show. He and Gina are getting closer. She feels comfortable sleeping over at his house now. But she's still a very private person who doesn't want to talk about her feelings. BoJack forces her to admit her dreams of starring on Broadway. She has been stuck hoping for it to happen while just playing minor supporting roles in television. And now, she has her big showcase moment of being able to sing a song from Corn: The Musical. BoJack arranges for her to audition in front of Princess Carolyn and Flip. It doesn't work out. And yet, Gina is grateful for BoJack helping her find this clarity while BoJack is still torn because it's not the happy ending he was expecting for doing a good deed. Meanwhile, Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles are trying to take things slow. He still admits to having lingering feelings for Diane. That's a huge issue for any new relationship. But he keeps saying all of the right things as well. Diane is upset because Pickles is dim and twenty years longer than her ex-husband. And yet, this relationship feels different for him because Pickles gets his comedic sensibility while also being completely different from his three ex-wives. As such, this could become a relationship that has some legs to it. Just as these relationships continue to flourish, another one completely fizzles out. There was hope that Yolanda would be a good and healthy girlfriend for Todd. She is the one who introduced the idea that asexual people can still be romantic. Todd is realizing that that is what he wants. And yet, that's basically the only thing that they have in common. These issues started popping up in the premiere. And now, they only increase when they have dinner with her entire family. It's so ridiculous that this is a family completely obsessed with sex. It's an amusing situation because usually those dynamics aren't discussed much in this kind of setting. And yet, Yolanda's family are so eager to prove that this is a sexually active couple. In the end, Yolanda still comes out and things are good between all of them. It just comes with the understanding that Todd and Yolanda deserve someone better. If they can't find them, then they've made a pact to get together when they are 100 years old. That too is very sweet. B+
504. "BoJack the Feminist"
Written by Nick Adams and directed by Anne Walker Farrell
Here is this season's episode tackling a topical issue in the real-world. This time it's Hollywood's willingness to forgive people for some absolutely despicable behavior. As such, it allows the story to have resonance because this narrative has become so prevalent in our culture. But it also fits more seamlessly into the satirical nature of the series because it has always been set in the outrageous world of Hollywoo. This episode introduces Vance Waggoner, an appalling actor who has done so many gross and abusive things but is still thrusted into a comeback narrative. He believes he should be allowed to have a career again after a five year break from stardom because he simply wants it. It's clear that he hasn't put any work in to rehabilitate himself or his beliefs. He's still causing headlines for all of the things that he has said and done. Meanwhile, the story itself gets very caught up in BoJack believing himself to be a feminist icon. He barely takes a stand and yet the world is still willing to applaud him for the effort. It's a story that fundamentally highlights the systemic abuse and sexism rampant in the world. Diane has to spend her entire life as a woman fighting back against the idea that she's trying to take down a man through a very shrill message. She is very astute in saying that people who are encouraging this comeback are just as culpable as Vance for his behavior. They are simply trying to monetize this return to the spotlight for their own agendas. And yet, they serve in high positions in the world where visibility is key. The messages coming out of Hollywoo should be important and progressive. But they remain stuck in the belief that men deserve countless opportunities to come back after their previous disgusting behavior. Vance will more than likely go away after this one episode. It's a fun guest vocal appearance by Bobby Cannavale. But the show also does something very smart in calling out BoJack's own past behavior and how appalling it can be. Diane hopes to make a difference on Philbert after realizing just how dumb, cliche and sexist it is. But she will also have to decide whether she should stand by her morals or her friend who is genuinely trying to be a better person but may not be succeeding all that much. B
505. "The Amelia Earhart Story"
Written by Joe Lawson and directed by Adam Parton
Last season's Princess Carolyn episode was so heartbreaking and moving. This one doesn't quite have the same punch but is still very creative and emotional. She is moving forward with her plans for adoption. It's a story that takes her back to her hometown in North Carolina. She only planned on being there for a day to meet this pregnant teenager. Instead, she extends her visit for a few more days just to make a good impression. And yet, the amount of time she spends here also proves just how devoted she is to her job managing so many colorful personalities who constantly need her help. BoJack, Diane, Mr. Peanutbutter and Todd all look to Princess Carolyn to either tell them what to do or be the bad person to say that they can't do something. They are all very dependent on her. She allows those relationships to flourish in that way too because she is doing a job that she loves. But it also gets in the way of her adoption plans. Instead of making a good impression, she's just on the phone a lot of the time telling her clients how to manipulate the world around them in order to get what they want. That's not an endearing quality. It's who Princess Carolyn is. The audience has a much fuller understanding of her. This story is also punctuated with flashbacks showing her own upbringing in this town and her desire to leave. It too is marked with a tragic miscarriage. She was also the teenager who accidentally got pregnant. She was destined for a life of marrying into a dynasty. Sure, there's the inevitable tragedy that this wealthy family is going to lose all of their money. But there's also the sense that it's not the life that Princess Carolyn wants even though they are doing the right thing in supporting her. She doesn't make the decision to go against their good intentions either. She just has a miscarriage. That's devastating and really highlights the struggles she has always had with children. She still left North Carolina with confidence. She only returned when her mother died. She doesn't enjoy being in this place. She thinks she is better than the people who stayed here. And yet, it isn't so bad to grow up in a place where one can marvel at the beauty of the stars. That's the life Princess Carolyn would be depriving this baby of. As such, it's only even more tragic when the birth mother decides to keep looking for adoptive parents. Princess Carolyn put in all of this work and was distracted from her clients. It still didn't lead to her getting anything she actually wants. A-
506. "Free Churro"
Written by Raphael Bob-Waksberg and directed by Amy Winfrey
This is one of the best episodes that BoJack Horseman has ever produced. It stands out because it is almost entirely one long monologue from BoJack at his mother's funeral. It's so simple and yet so imaginative as well. It's the show stripping down all of its excesses to focus on one character and the internal struggle that he is constantly dealing with. Throughout the run of the show, the story has called out BoJack's fraught relationship with his parents. They were horrible people who contributed to the many problems that he had in his life. But now, he's trying to figure out how to give the eulogy that his mother deserved. He was there at the hospital with her during her final moments. He didn't just ship her away to a crummy nursing home to die. He was present. He was still yearning for the relationship he always wanted from her. He never ultimately got it. There was so much hope and meaning that came from him clinging onto her last words. He needs there to be something profound to the phrase "I see you." It's so complex but so simple as well. He wants to believe it's his mother actually acknowledging his presence and being grateful that he is there. He fears that it's a condemnation of who he truly is and not the person that he is trying to be. But it's even more depressing when he realizes she was just saying the letters of the intensive care unit she was in. There is no profound meaning to be found here. It's just BoJack trying to reckon with being the last member of his family still alive. He sees them all as drowning. There is comfort in the acknowledgement that they are all drowning together. They don't know how to save one another. That's the life that he has always known. And now, he feels like the only person who is still drowning. Death seems to be swirling around him. He is 54 and still alive. But his parents and close friends have been taken from him. He's starting to realize there may be something to the grand lesson his father once tried to teach him. He said that BoJack should never depend on someone else. Buttercup spent his entire life working on this novel only for it to eventually kill him. It's so ridiculous to think of a duel actually happening because someone so fiercely believes in something and is willing to die for it. But that's the reality of the situation for BoJack. He is able to laugh about it now while also trying to understand how his life is worse now that both of his parents are gone. It's depressing because he realizes that it puts an end to their story. There will no longer be that hope that one day they will give him the relationship he has always wanted. Even though he has always hated them, he mourns their deaths because it's a loss of a core piece of himself. Now, he has that clarity and understanding. But is that enough? Is it good enough to only depend on oneself in life? It's difficult being a good person. BoJack knows that it's an active choice that everyone has to make every single day. It's not just one big romantic gesture that defines who someone is. BoJack is trying to apply this to his life. He wants to give his mother what she deserves in this moment. And yet, him realizing he's giving a eulogy at the wrong funeral only further adds to his depression and uncertainty. That's so profound while so completely existential as well. A
507. "INT. SUB"
Written by Alison Tafel and directed by Aaron Long
The show enters back into its normal world of storytelling here but also applies some unique visual flourishes in order to keep the audience on their toes. Almost all of this episode is told from the perspective of a couple who have multiple run-ins with many of the characters. They are a Hollywoo power couple - one is a therapist and the other is a mediator. It's fun watching them go back and forth telling their stories. They have the awareness that the BoJack-Diane plot is more important than the Princess Carolyn-Todd one. And yet, both stand on equal footing as well. In fact, the punchline of the string cheese being the pen in Todd's suit pocket is absolutely hilarious. It also truly highlights that Princess Carolyn enjoys Todd living with her. She appreciates having someone there to keep her company even though she would like her own personal space as well. Meanwhile, BoJack and Diane's friendship is about to become even more fraught. They have been friends for a long time. They have always been treated as kindred spirits. BoJack believes that Diane is just as messed up as he is with no clarity on what she wants out of her life. As such, he foolishly believes that if she no longer needs therapy than he doesn't need it either. He spends this episode in therapy sessions just talking for an hour. He believes it's all with the understanding of having a new friend. One whom he pays and wants to keep their conversations confidential. But everything still explodes for him. Diane is trying to set more boundaries in her life. She doesn't want to fall into the same pattern with BoJack once more. It's actually pretty frustrating to keep going on the same journey with him hoping that he will change and get better. Both Diane and the audience are always hoping for that change to occur. But as BoJack articulated in the previous episode, maybe that change is just not coming because than the show would be over if he is a happy and functioning adult in society. Of course, that doesn't mean he should stop trying to be that person. Therapy could actually do him a ton of good. He is just so reluctant to it because he doesn't want to talk about the many issues in his life even though he keeps bringing them up over and over again. He is stuck not knowing what he wants. As such, Diane feels more than fine just writing pages that make him relive one of the darkest and most twisted moments of his life. She had the tape of his confession about what happened in New Mexico. And now, she is using it as a weapon to show that he still has so much he should be ashamed about. It's going to be really fascinating to see how this change affects their relationship and if BoJack is capable of putting in the work. A-
508. "Mr. Peanutbutter's Boos"
Written by Kelly Galuska and directed by Anne Walker Farrell
Mr. Peanutbutter has been coming to a lot of big realizations about his life as of late. He just found out that his both of his parents are dead instead of living on a farm upstate with no internet connection or phone service. And now, he accepts that the reason why all of his marriages keep failing is because he refuses to grow up. He is the same now as he was when he was first married to Katrina. He has simply followed the same pattern over and over again. He starts dating a fun young woman. He loves her so fully. They get married and the realities of life and growing up kick in. All of this is framed through the annual Halloween party that Mr. Peanutbutter believes BoJack hosts. BoJack has never put on this event but Mr. Peanutbutter invites people every year. It started 25 years ago. It's a tradition that has lasted as long as Pickles has been alive. This is the first episode that potentially frames Pickles as not the best woman for Mr. Peanutbutter. She is just a young spirit who wants to have fun and party. Mr. Peanutbutter is learning that this may no longer be the kind of relationship he wants in his life. It has taken him 25 years to ever grow up. But now, he may actually be doing that. So much has been afforded to him because he's a successful actor with a childlike wonder. He wants to show his range this season by taking a role on Philbert. And yet, he still has the same image he has always had. He is still taking his wife or girlfriend to this party not really caring what they think about it. Katrina is hurt because she is left all alone with no one to talk to. Jessica Biel is traumatized because she's haunted by a failed audition for The Mummy. And as we all know, Diane hates parties. It's also amusing that Diane is stuck at the one in the present day because her car is blocked in. That affords her the opportunity to talk about how weird things are with Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles. That too is a nice moment of self-reflection. Even though Diane feels stuck in her life, she is making progress on herself by actually sticking to some of the rules she has established. Sure, she's being passive aggressive to BoJack by trying to provoke him into the conversations he should be having even though he is afraid of them. That is bound to explode in some way. And yet, so is BoJack's seemingly growing dependance on the pills prescribed to him after his on-set injury. B+
509. "Ancient History"
Written by Rachel Kaplan and directed by Peter Merryman
BoJack is once again falling down a dark and tragic path. He has become addicted to painkillers. This is a very tricky story for the show to explore simply because it's darkness that it has already done a lot with. BoJack has already struggled with depression and addiction. Those issues don't just go away over time. The show just has to evolve to present a new facet of them. As such, it is doing so with him getting hooked on opioids after his on-set injury. It's a twist that viewers should have seen coming based on his growing dependency on his pills. But it's even more unfortunate and tragic when it all comes to a head during Hollyhock's visit. BoJack wants to be a good influence for her. He doesn't want to ruin this relationship that means so much to both of them. She still loves him despite learning he's not her father. She loves him despite what Beatrice did to her. She already has her trauma from pills thanks to BoJack. And now, this threatens to destroy their relationship. BoJack is at least more honest with her than anyone else in his life. He admits that he may no longer need the pills. But he also finds the convenient way around Hollyhock's concern simply by getting into another accident. As such, that really shows just how much he is spiraling right now. That tragedy is offset by the levity that comes from the two subplots. Of course, Todd's is more of a lighthearted adventure. He invents a sex robot after all. That's just such an amusing visual that immediately goes awry for him. It also introduces the idea that sex is the only reason why Todd and Emily aren't the perfect couple. If they can figure that out, then they could actually make things work. Meanwhile, Ralph returns just as Princess Carolyn is about to get a baby. As such, he's trying to make their relationship work once more because adoption was something she never considered when they were together. She wanted to get pregnant and have her own baby. It took their breakup for her to realize that she couldn't do that. But she also realized that she doesn't need him. Sure, it's convenient to call him up and pitch's Mr. Peanutbutter's lame idea for a movie. He is there for her as she starts freaking out about impending motherhood. And yet, she still stands tall and makes her desires known. It's just unfortunate that her telling Ralph off also inspires the birth mother to have the strength and love to raise the baby herself. So, things still haven't quite gone Princess Carolyn's way just yet. A-
510. "Head in the Clouds"
Written by Peter A. Knight and directed by Amy Winfrey
This episode really just teases the audience with the return of Character Actress Margo Martindale. It's amusing to think of her suffering from amnesia for two years in a convent. And yet, the mere sight of BoJack is enough to unlock her memory. That's a lot of fun from a reliably terrific performance. Again, I hope there is more to it. Instead, the majority of this episode centers on the premiere of Philbert. All of the characters have their own stories going with Princess Carolyn trying to keep the show from being sued for plagiarism while the sex robot, Henry Fondle, is promoted to CEO of What Time Is It Right Now? That's amusing because his verbal cues are so clearly talking about sex and yet fit in with what is going on no matter what the situation is. It's also eager for more episodes of Philbert. As such, it doesn't matter what the critics or audience reaction to the show will be. BoJack, Gina and company will be going back into production for Season 2. In fact, there is the understanding that the show somehow turned out great. Gina is getting more attention for her career with some possible Emmy buzz. The critics note just how surprising BoJack's performance is. Mr. Peanutbutter has shown Diane that he is actually a good actor. And yet, all of this ultimately pivots around Diane's reaction to the show. She suddenly realizes that she has made Philbert too vulnerable and thus has made the audience feel okay rooting for him. She doesn't want to contribute to the trend in media where anti-heroes are treated as validation for people's horrible behavior. If these actions are seen on television, then they can be normalized in the real world. Philbert isn't a character whom the audience should idolize. And yet, that's only a concern for Diane after production has wrapped and she sees the reaction to the premiere. It also forces her confrontation with BoJack. That is such a brutal moment. The two of them have grown distant from each other this season. And now, she demands to know his dark secrets because that's the only way she can be a supportive friend who can actually help him improve himself. The show has really been going all in on the idea that BoJack is a monster this season whose behavior should lead to him being banished from Hollywoo. It's still unclear if that will actually happen or if this will all remain something that the characters will be dealing with in their private lives. It's clear that BoJack has done no real self-reflection. In fact, he continues to frame himself as the victim because he has to carry around the guilt of what he has previously done. And yet, just because he feels guilty about what he did doesn't excuse his behavior. Nor does it make him the victim when he has led people to their deaths. It's such a stark confrontation and one that may destroy this friendship. But it's also what needs to be said as well. A-
511. "The Showstopper"
Written by Elijah Aron and directed by Aaron Long
BoJack started this season struggling to balance his life with Philbert's. They were so identical to one another. This brush with fame has forced BoJack to really confront some of the darker and more horrifying moments of his life. He is falling back into old patterns and refusing to accept responsibility over his own actions. Once again, it's leading him down a very dark and tragic path that could easily end in death. This may very well be the darkest episode since Sarah Lynn's death. In that moment, he was responsible because he encouraged her drinking and pill popping. Here, he is actually choking Gina to death because he simply has no understanding of the world around him. He has become so dependent on the pills in order to function. Instead of easing his pain though, they are making his entire life a fog. His entire life has become jumbled. The show plays with that confusion and uncertainty throughout the framing of this episode as well. It starts with the idea that it will be an episode of Philbert. And yet, that would be too simple in showing the parallels between the character and BoJack. This way makes it unclear if it is an episode of Philbert, BoJack Horseman or something completely different. There is even the sense that there are commercial breaks with BoJack believing he has to cut to black in his investigation. He doesn't really comprehend if any of this is real or fiction. He believes he's playing a detective on a television show where he is investigating a serial killer who strangles his victims. In his personal life, he is also investigating someone who knows his secrets and is planning on exposing them to the world. The tragedy of all of this is how he tries to play savior by keeping the show alive for Gina. He genuinely cares about her. But it's such a twisted love that is built entirely on a lie. She is just now learning how dependent he is on his pills. Even when she confronts him, it leads to him being very abusive and horrifying to watch. There's already the sense that something is about to go horribly wrong between them. And then, the show follows through with the moment where he is literally choking her on set. Of course, Flip is just as bad in that moment because he wants to capture it all on film. The rest of the crew has the understandable reaction of being terrified by their increasingly temperamental star. He demands so much and comes to work ill-prepared. He believes he's the perfect star. He's the star of the show whose career destruction would ruin everything for the entire crew. He simply has no awareness for how toxic he has become. He just sees conspiracy everywhere even though the audience understands all of the clues he has picked up on. He just refuses to see things as they actually are. And so, that leads him to a fantasy world that is much less playful than the one where Gina is singing a cabaret number. That is a fantastic moment that brings a change of pace to this episode. But the final moment is just as stark because it's clear this behavior is once again going to destroy BoJack if he doesn't make any meaningful change. Even then, he probably doesn't deserve a career in Hollywoo. A
512. "The Stopped Show"
Written by Joanna Calo and directed by Anne Walker Farrell
The season is once again choosing to end on a message of hope. The hope that BoJack can get better. It's a message that the show has utilized before. And yet, it should still resonant with the audience as well because there's still the sense that things are different this time around. At first, it seems like everyone is trying to coddle BoJack. Princess Carolyn and Flip don't want to make a big deal about the choking incident. And yet, it's a huge deal. It's assault. It has the potential to destroy so much. Gina never wants to be defined by BoJack. They do this interview together where they are proud to be a couple. But that's all for show. Gina wants BoJack to suffer but she doesn't want it to hurt her career either. She is finally building something. It would be so tragic if BoJack took it all away from her because of his actions. And so, he plays along. It's another relationship that has ended because of betrayal and destruction from BoJack. He understands how horrifying he has always been. He wants Diane to write a take down piece about him. And yet, she understands that the world may still not hold public individuals accountable for their actions. BoJack wants to believe that the truth of his existence being known to the world will force him to become a different person who is completely good. However, that's just hopeful thinking. He wants to believe that's how the world works. Diane is more aware because she's a woman who writes for the internet. She understands the impact of these pieces. She knows that the world is still slow at making any meaningful progress. Even when the sex robot is taken down for sexual harassment, it's not long until he is offered a new career opportunity. That too is a stark reality and commentary on the modern world. Everyone wants to believe that we are better because we hold others accountable for their actions. But it's just as important to be forgiving of ourselves and the people close to us. Diane accepts that BoJack is a bad person. But she is also aware that it is so much more complex than that. She has told him time and time again that he actually has to be willing to change. He can't just repeat the same lines over and over again in the hopes that he will suddenly be a better person. He actually has to put in the work. He is afforded the opportunity to go away to rehab because Philbert is cancelled. In fact, the entire What Time Is It Right Now? company is shut down. This scandal is simply too overwhelming. It forces everyone to come to terms with what they really want. And yet, even that may be them doing things because it seems like what is easier for them. Mr. Peanutbutter proposes to Pickles because he simply feels uncomfortable giving bad news. And yet, that's only going to hurt her more once she learns that he has also been sleeping with Diane. Meanwhile, Princess Carolyn flies to North Carolina to adopt Sadie's baby. It's a mission she is so committed to even though she is more devoted to her job. She agonizes and delays this flight. But she still shows up at the hospital because she has always wanted this. And finally, Diane ends the season seemingly free. She has the clarity that she has to be willing to accept that she's not perfect while also feeling good about helping the people she cares about. She may hate BoJack right now. But she also wants him to get the help that he needs. Her doing that shows that she is more emotionally healthy despite feeling stuck in her life. A
501. "The Light Bulb Scene"
Written by Kate Purdy and directed by Adam Parton
This premiere does a solid job in just setting up the various positions the characters are in for the new season. BoJack is shooting Philbert as a favor to Princess Carolyn. Meanwhile, she is officially trying to adopt a child. Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter are getting a divorce. And Todd has become a What Time Is It Right Now? executive. Some of these stories are very introductory here. The focus is primarily on BoJack especially as he is realizing just how closely this character mirrors the life he has always known. The show gets even more meta because of it as well. The stories have always been so satirical with its observations about show business. That continues here with Flip believing he's doing something completely original even though it's so derivative and formulaic. It speaks to the overall trend of going dark for the sake of darkness in modern day dramas. It's a change of pace for BoJack though. He is realizing that he may just have to be an actor for this job. He has to learn how to leave the character behind at work. He can't take it home with him. Princess Carolyn is telling him to embody Philbert when filming but actually be a completely different person at home. He doesn't have to remain that self-destructive guy even though he is now playing one on TV. And yet, those lines are only going to get more blurred as the season goes along. Right now, it's already confusing for BoJack because the set is basically identical to his home. It all reads as a metaphor for how isolated and depressed he is. He's once again living all alone with Todd out of the house and Hollyhock at college. Not even his co-star, Gina, wants to stay the night after he seduces her. She is very rational about what this job is and what to expect from it. This is the norm for her. She is used to things being degrading for her. BoJack isn't used to that. It feels like a personal attack against him. But he's also learning that the world doesn't always revolve around him. He has to just keep doing the work for Princess Carolyn. He needs to be a good friend. He is definitely making the effort at the end of the premiere. He invites the crew to his house for a party. And yet, that still reads as him surrounding himself with people so that he's not alone. He's literally going through the same motions as his character. As such, he may not be able to leave behind this persona. It is going to seep into his regular life because he doesn't quite know how to balance that professionalism just yet. B+
502. "The Dog Days Are Over"
Written by Joanna Calo and directed by Amy Winfrey
Loneliness appears to be a huge theme in the new season. All of the characters are either alone or not quite clicking with their new lives. Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter's divorce is this very heartbreaking story. They have had problems for awhile. But it's so devastating watching Diane trying to find a new identity following the divorce. It's actually the show's take on the "divorced woman rediscovers herself" trope that has become very prevalent in the entertainment industry. In fact, it's amusing that there is a running story about Laura Linney starring in a movie with the same exact premise as what Diane is doing. That's what makes it so great when Diane runs into Laura Linney who explains that her film then pivots into an action thriller intended on launching a franchise. That diverges so much from the life that Diane has accepted for herself because of this. It's fascinating to see Diane in Vietnam. She left because she was devastated about seeing Mr. Peanutbutter kissing someone else. It was in that moment that she realized she would never have those moments of being understood and comforted again. She was all alone. As such, she needed to escape. She was fortunate in being able to turn this adventure into a story for Girl Croosh. The story is somewhat told in reverse as well with the audience being a little unclear about when all of this is happening and what prompted it all in the first place. It first seems like a "Diane reconnects with her roots" type of story. But she feels just as alone in Vietnam as she does in Los Angeles. It affords her different opportunities because there is a language barrier. And yet, she's still trapped in a vain and vaped world where people are always selfishly looking out for themselves. She at least accepts that it's okay to be alone from time to time. This episode tells a complete story in that regard as well. It feels like the season will spend most of its running time seeing BoJack trying to avoid being alone. He may be sticking to certain rules in the hopes of avoiding the same mistakes. But there's also the tease that something could possibly happen between him and Diane now that they are both single. That has always been a story the show has hinted at but never explored fully. It may never ultimately be a good idea for the two of them despite being kindred spirits. Diane walks away with clarity on her life despite the upheaval after all of this after all. Plus, it continues to be impressive how the show continues to up its banner game with each season. The banner during Mr. Peanutbutter's housewarming party may be the best one yet. It also reveals that he may even have awareness that this is something that continually happens to him. B+
503. "Planned Obsolescence"
Written by Elijah Aron and directed by Aaron Long
Two new relationships seem to be blossoming very quickly already. BoJack is trying to do the right thing on set. He wants to help people instead of being the problematic star of the show. He and Gina are getting closer. She feels comfortable sleeping over at his house now. But she's still a very private person who doesn't want to talk about her feelings. BoJack forces her to admit her dreams of starring on Broadway. She has been stuck hoping for it to happen while just playing minor supporting roles in television. And now, she has her big showcase moment of being able to sing a song from Corn: The Musical. BoJack arranges for her to audition in front of Princess Carolyn and Flip. It doesn't work out. And yet, Gina is grateful for BoJack helping her find this clarity while BoJack is still torn because it's not the happy ending he was expecting for doing a good deed. Meanwhile, Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles are trying to take things slow. He still admits to having lingering feelings for Diane. That's a huge issue for any new relationship. But he keeps saying all of the right things as well. Diane is upset because Pickles is dim and twenty years longer than her ex-husband. And yet, this relationship feels different for him because Pickles gets his comedic sensibility while also being completely different from his three ex-wives. As such, this could become a relationship that has some legs to it. Just as these relationships continue to flourish, another one completely fizzles out. There was hope that Yolanda would be a good and healthy girlfriend for Todd. She is the one who introduced the idea that asexual people can still be romantic. Todd is realizing that that is what he wants. And yet, that's basically the only thing that they have in common. These issues started popping up in the premiere. And now, they only increase when they have dinner with her entire family. It's so ridiculous that this is a family completely obsessed with sex. It's an amusing situation because usually those dynamics aren't discussed much in this kind of setting. And yet, Yolanda's family are so eager to prove that this is a sexually active couple. In the end, Yolanda still comes out and things are good between all of them. It just comes with the understanding that Todd and Yolanda deserve someone better. If they can't find them, then they've made a pact to get together when they are 100 years old. That too is very sweet. B+
504. "BoJack the Feminist"
Written by Nick Adams and directed by Anne Walker Farrell
Here is this season's episode tackling a topical issue in the real-world. This time it's Hollywood's willingness to forgive people for some absolutely despicable behavior. As such, it allows the story to have resonance because this narrative has become so prevalent in our culture. But it also fits more seamlessly into the satirical nature of the series because it has always been set in the outrageous world of Hollywoo. This episode introduces Vance Waggoner, an appalling actor who has done so many gross and abusive things but is still thrusted into a comeback narrative. He believes he should be allowed to have a career again after a five year break from stardom because he simply wants it. It's clear that he hasn't put any work in to rehabilitate himself or his beliefs. He's still causing headlines for all of the things that he has said and done. Meanwhile, the story itself gets very caught up in BoJack believing himself to be a feminist icon. He barely takes a stand and yet the world is still willing to applaud him for the effort. It's a story that fundamentally highlights the systemic abuse and sexism rampant in the world. Diane has to spend her entire life as a woman fighting back against the idea that she's trying to take down a man through a very shrill message. She is very astute in saying that people who are encouraging this comeback are just as culpable as Vance for his behavior. They are simply trying to monetize this return to the spotlight for their own agendas. And yet, they serve in high positions in the world where visibility is key. The messages coming out of Hollywoo should be important and progressive. But they remain stuck in the belief that men deserve countless opportunities to come back after their previous disgusting behavior. Vance will more than likely go away after this one episode. It's a fun guest vocal appearance by Bobby Cannavale. But the show also does something very smart in calling out BoJack's own past behavior and how appalling it can be. Diane hopes to make a difference on Philbert after realizing just how dumb, cliche and sexist it is. But she will also have to decide whether she should stand by her morals or her friend who is genuinely trying to be a better person but may not be succeeding all that much. B
505. "The Amelia Earhart Story"
Written by Joe Lawson and directed by Adam Parton
Last season's Princess Carolyn episode was so heartbreaking and moving. This one doesn't quite have the same punch but is still very creative and emotional. She is moving forward with her plans for adoption. It's a story that takes her back to her hometown in North Carolina. She only planned on being there for a day to meet this pregnant teenager. Instead, she extends her visit for a few more days just to make a good impression. And yet, the amount of time she spends here also proves just how devoted she is to her job managing so many colorful personalities who constantly need her help. BoJack, Diane, Mr. Peanutbutter and Todd all look to Princess Carolyn to either tell them what to do or be the bad person to say that they can't do something. They are all very dependent on her. She allows those relationships to flourish in that way too because she is doing a job that she loves. But it also gets in the way of her adoption plans. Instead of making a good impression, she's just on the phone a lot of the time telling her clients how to manipulate the world around them in order to get what they want. That's not an endearing quality. It's who Princess Carolyn is. The audience has a much fuller understanding of her. This story is also punctuated with flashbacks showing her own upbringing in this town and her desire to leave. It too is marked with a tragic miscarriage. She was also the teenager who accidentally got pregnant. She was destined for a life of marrying into a dynasty. Sure, there's the inevitable tragedy that this wealthy family is going to lose all of their money. But there's also the sense that it's not the life that Princess Carolyn wants even though they are doing the right thing in supporting her. She doesn't make the decision to go against their good intentions either. She just has a miscarriage. That's devastating and really highlights the struggles she has always had with children. She still left North Carolina with confidence. She only returned when her mother died. She doesn't enjoy being in this place. She thinks she is better than the people who stayed here. And yet, it isn't so bad to grow up in a place where one can marvel at the beauty of the stars. That's the life Princess Carolyn would be depriving this baby of. As such, it's only even more tragic when the birth mother decides to keep looking for adoptive parents. Princess Carolyn put in all of this work and was distracted from her clients. It still didn't lead to her getting anything she actually wants. A-
506. "Free Churro"
Written by Raphael Bob-Waksberg and directed by Amy Winfrey
This is one of the best episodes that BoJack Horseman has ever produced. It stands out because it is almost entirely one long monologue from BoJack at his mother's funeral. It's so simple and yet so imaginative as well. It's the show stripping down all of its excesses to focus on one character and the internal struggle that he is constantly dealing with. Throughout the run of the show, the story has called out BoJack's fraught relationship with his parents. They were horrible people who contributed to the many problems that he had in his life. But now, he's trying to figure out how to give the eulogy that his mother deserved. He was there at the hospital with her during her final moments. He didn't just ship her away to a crummy nursing home to die. He was present. He was still yearning for the relationship he always wanted from her. He never ultimately got it. There was so much hope and meaning that came from him clinging onto her last words. He needs there to be something profound to the phrase "I see you." It's so complex but so simple as well. He wants to believe it's his mother actually acknowledging his presence and being grateful that he is there. He fears that it's a condemnation of who he truly is and not the person that he is trying to be. But it's even more depressing when he realizes she was just saying the letters of the intensive care unit she was in. There is no profound meaning to be found here. It's just BoJack trying to reckon with being the last member of his family still alive. He sees them all as drowning. There is comfort in the acknowledgement that they are all drowning together. They don't know how to save one another. That's the life that he has always known. And now, he feels like the only person who is still drowning. Death seems to be swirling around him. He is 54 and still alive. But his parents and close friends have been taken from him. He's starting to realize there may be something to the grand lesson his father once tried to teach him. He said that BoJack should never depend on someone else. Buttercup spent his entire life working on this novel only for it to eventually kill him. It's so ridiculous to think of a duel actually happening because someone so fiercely believes in something and is willing to die for it. But that's the reality of the situation for BoJack. He is able to laugh about it now while also trying to understand how his life is worse now that both of his parents are gone. It's depressing because he realizes that it puts an end to their story. There will no longer be that hope that one day they will give him the relationship he has always wanted. Even though he has always hated them, he mourns their deaths because it's a loss of a core piece of himself. Now, he has that clarity and understanding. But is that enough? Is it good enough to only depend on oneself in life? It's difficult being a good person. BoJack knows that it's an active choice that everyone has to make every single day. It's not just one big romantic gesture that defines who someone is. BoJack is trying to apply this to his life. He wants to give his mother what she deserves in this moment. And yet, him realizing he's giving a eulogy at the wrong funeral only further adds to his depression and uncertainty. That's so profound while so completely existential as well. A
507. "INT. SUB"
Written by Alison Tafel and directed by Aaron Long
The show enters back into its normal world of storytelling here but also applies some unique visual flourishes in order to keep the audience on their toes. Almost all of this episode is told from the perspective of a couple who have multiple run-ins with many of the characters. They are a Hollywoo power couple - one is a therapist and the other is a mediator. It's fun watching them go back and forth telling their stories. They have the awareness that the BoJack-Diane plot is more important than the Princess Carolyn-Todd one. And yet, both stand on equal footing as well. In fact, the punchline of the string cheese being the pen in Todd's suit pocket is absolutely hilarious. It also truly highlights that Princess Carolyn enjoys Todd living with her. She appreciates having someone there to keep her company even though she would like her own personal space as well. Meanwhile, BoJack and Diane's friendship is about to become even more fraught. They have been friends for a long time. They have always been treated as kindred spirits. BoJack believes that Diane is just as messed up as he is with no clarity on what she wants out of her life. As such, he foolishly believes that if she no longer needs therapy than he doesn't need it either. He spends this episode in therapy sessions just talking for an hour. He believes it's all with the understanding of having a new friend. One whom he pays and wants to keep their conversations confidential. But everything still explodes for him. Diane is trying to set more boundaries in her life. She doesn't want to fall into the same pattern with BoJack once more. It's actually pretty frustrating to keep going on the same journey with him hoping that he will change and get better. Both Diane and the audience are always hoping for that change to occur. But as BoJack articulated in the previous episode, maybe that change is just not coming because than the show would be over if he is a happy and functioning adult in society. Of course, that doesn't mean he should stop trying to be that person. Therapy could actually do him a ton of good. He is just so reluctant to it because he doesn't want to talk about the many issues in his life even though he keeps bringing them up over and over again. He is stuck not knowing what he wants. As such, Diane feels more than fine just writing pages that make him relive one of the darkest and most twisted moments of his life. She had the tape of his confession about what happened in New Mexico. And now, she is using it as a weapon to show that he still has so much he should be ashamed about. It's going to be really fascinating to see how this change affects their relationship and if BoJack is capable of putting in the work. A-
508. "Mr. Peanutbutter's Boos"
Written by Kelly Galuska and directed by Anne Walker Farrell
Mr. Peanutbutter has been coming to a lot of big realizations about his life as of late. He just found out that his both of his parents are dead instead of living on a farm upstate with no internet connection or phone service. And now, he accepts that the reason why all of his marriages keep failing is because he refuses to grow up. He is the same now as he was when he was first married to Katrina. He has simply followed the same pattern over and over again. He starts dating a fun young woman. He loves her so fully. They get married and the realities of life and growing up kick in. All of this is framed through the annual Halloween party that Mr. Peanutbutter believes BoJack hosts. BoJack has never put on this event but Mr. Peanutbutter invites people every year. It started 25 years ago. It's a tradition that has lasted as long as Pickles has been alive. This is the first episode that potentially frames Pickles as not the best woman for Mr. Peanutbutter. She is just a young spirit who wants to have fun and party. Mr. Peanutbutter is learning that this may no longer be the kind of relationship he wants in his life. It has taken him 25 years to ever grow up. But now, he may actually be doing that. So much has been afforded to him because he's a successful actor with a childlike wonder. He wants to show his range this season by taking a role on Philbert. And yet, he still has the same image he has always had. He is still taking his wife or girlfriend to this party not really caring what they think about it. Katrina is hurt because she is left all alone with no one to talk to. Jessica Biel is traumatized because she's haunted by a failed audition for The Mummy. And as we all know, Diane hates parties. It's also amusing that Diane is stuck at the one in the present day because her car is blocked in. That affords her the opportunity to talk about how weird things are with Mr. Peanutbutter and Pickles. That too is a nice moment of self-reflection. Even though Diane feels stuck in her life, she is making progress on herself by actually sticking to some of the rules she has established. Sure, she's being passive aggressive to BoJack by trying to provoke him into the conversations he should be having even though he is afraid of them. That is bound to explode in some way. And yet, so is BoJack's seemingly growing dependance on the pills prescribed to him after his on-set injury. B+
509. "Ancient History"
Written by Rachel Kaplan and directed by Peter Merryman
BoJack is once again falling down a dark and tragic path. He has become addicted to painkillers. This is a very tricky story for the show to explore simply because it's darkness that it has already done a lot with. BoJack has already struggled with depression and addiction. Those issues don't just go away over time. The show just has to evolve to present a new facet of them. As such, it is doing so with him getting hooked on opioids after his on-set injury. It's a twist that viewers should have seen coming based on his growing dependency on his pills. But it's even more unfortunate and tragic when it all comes to a head during Hollyhock's visit. BoJack wants to be a good influence for her. He doesn't want to ruin this relationship that means so much to both of them. She still loves him despite learning he's not her father. She loves him despite what Beatrice did to her. She already has her trauma from pills thanks to BoJack. And now, this threatens to destroy their relationship. BoJack is at least more honest with her than anyone else in his life. He admits that he may no longer need the pills. But he also finds the convenient way around Hollyhock's concern simply by getting into another accident. As such, that really shows just how much he is spiraling right now. That tragedy is offset by the levity that comes from the two subplots. Of course, Todd's is more of a lighthearted adventure. He invents a sex robot after all. That's just such an amusing visual that immediately goes awry for him. It also introduces the idea that sex is the only reason why Todd and Emily aren't the perfect couple. If they can figure that out, then they could actually make things work. Meanwhile, Ralph returns just as Princess Carolyn is about to get a baby. As such, he's trying to make their relationship work once more because adoption was something she never considered when they were together. She wanted to get pregnant and have her own baby. It took their breakup for her to realize that she couldn't do that. But she also realized that she doesn't need him. Sure, it's convenient to call him up and pitch's Mr. Peanutbutter's lame idea for a movie. He is there for her as she starts freaking out about impending motherhood. And yet, she still stands tall and makes her desires known. It's just unfortunate that her telling Ralph off also inspires the birth mother to have the strength and love to raise the baby herself. So, things still haven't quite gone Princess Carolyn's way just yet. A-
510. "Head in the Clouds"
Written by Peter A. Knight and directed by Amy Winfrey
This episode really just teases the audience with the return of Character Actress Margo Martindale. It's amusing to think of her suffering from amnesia for two years in a convent. And yet, the mere sight of BoJack is enough to unlock her memory. That's a lot of fun from a reliably terrific performance. Again, I hope there is more to it. Instead, the majority of this episode centers on the premiere of Philbert. All of the characters have their own stories going with Princess Carolyn trying to keep the show from being sued for plagiarism while the sex robot, Henry Fondle, is promoted to CEO of What Time Is It Right Now? That's amusing because his verbal cues are so clearly talking about sex and yet fit in with what is going on no matter what the situation is. It's also eager for more episodes of Philbert. As such, it doesn't matter what the critics or audience reaction to the show will be. BoJack, Gina and company will be going back into production for Season 2. In fact, there is the understanding that the show somehow turned out great. Gina is getting more attention for her career with some possible Emmy buzz. The critics note just how surprising BoJack's performance is. Mr. Peanutbutter has shown Diane that he is actually a good actor. And yet, all of this ultimately pivots around Diane's reaction to the show. She suddenly realizes that she has made Philbert too vulnerable and thus has made the audience feel okay rooting for him. She doesn't want to contribute to the trend in media where anti-heroes are treated as validation for people's horrible behavior. If these actions are seen on television, then they can be normalized in the real world. Philbert isn't a character whom the audience should idolize. And yet, that's only a concern for Diane after production has wrapped and she sees the reaction to the premiere. It also forces her confrontation with BoJack. That is such a brutal moment. The two of them have grown distant from each other this season. And now, she demands to know his dark secrets because that's the only way she can be a supportive friend who can actually help him improve himself. The show has really been going all in on the idea that BoJack is a monster this season whose behavior should lead to him being banished from Hollywoo. It's still unclear if that will actually happen or if this will all remain something that the characters will be dealing with in their private lives. It's clear that BoJack has done no real self-reflection. In fact, he continues to frame himself as the victim because he has to carry around the guilt of what he has previously done. And yet, just because he feels guilty about what he did doesn't excuse his behavior. Nor does it make him the victim when he has led people to their deaths. It's such a stark confrontation and one that may destroy this friendship. But it's also what needs to be said as well. A-
511. "The Showstopper"
Written by Elijah Aron and directed by Aaron Long
BoJack started this season struggling to balance his life with Philbert's. They were so identical to one another. This brush with fame has forced BoJack to really confront some of the darker and more horrifying moments of his life. He is falling back into old patterns and refusing to accept responsibility over his own actions. Once again, it's leading him down a very dark and tragic path that could easily end in death. This may very well be the darkest episode since Sarah Lynn's death. In that moment, he was responsible because he encouraged her drinking and pill popping. Here, he is actually choking Gina to death because he simply has no understanding of the world around him. He has become so dependent on the pills in order to function. Instead of easing his pain though, they are making his entire life a fog. His entire life has become jumbled. The show plays with that confusion and uncertainty throughout the framing of this episode as well. It starts with the idea that it will be an episode of Philbert. And yet, that would be too simple in showing the parallels between the character and BoJack. This way makes it unclear if it is an episode of Philbert, BoJack Horseman or something completely different. There is even the sense that there are commercial breaks with BoJack believing he has to cut to black in his investigation. He doesn't really comprehend if any of this is real or fiction. He believes he's playing a detective on a television show where he is investigating a serial killer who strangles his victims. In his personal life, he is also investigating someone who knows his secrets and is planning on exposing them to the world. The tragedy of all of this is how he tries to play savior by keeping the show alive for Gina. He genuinely cares about her. But it's such a twisted love that is built entirely on a lie. She is just now learning how dependent he is on his pills. Even when she confronts him, it leads to him being very abusive and horrifying to watch. There's already the sense that something is about to go horribly wrong between them. And then, the show follows through with the moment where he is literally choking her on set. Of course, Flip is just as bad in that moment because he wants to capture it all on film. The rest of the crew has the understandable reaction of being terrified by their increasingly temperamental star. He demands so much and comes to work ill-prepared. He believes he's the perfect star. He's the star of the show whose career destruction would ruin everything for the entire crew. He simply has no awareness for how toxic he has become. He just sees conspiracy everywhere even though the audience understands all of the clues he has picked up on. He just refuses to see things as they actually are. And so, that leads him to a fantasy world that is much less playful than the one where Gina is singing a cabaret number. That is a fantastic moment that brings a change of pace to this episode. But the final moment is just as stark because it's clear this behavior is once again going to destroy BoJack if he doesn't make any meaningful change. Even then, he probably doesn't deserve a career in Hollywoo. A
512. "The Stopped Show"
Written by Joanna Calo and directed by Anne Walker Farrell
The season is once again choosing to end on a message of hope. The hope that BoJack can get better. It's a message that the show has utilized before. And yet, it should still resonant with the audience as well because there's still the sense that things are different this time around. At first, it seems like everyone is trying to coddle BoJack. Princess Carolyn and Flip don't want to make a big deal about the choking incident. And yet, it's a huge deal. It's assault. It has the potential to destroy so much. Gina never wants to be defined by BoJack. They do this interview together where they are proud to be a couple. But that's all for show. Gina wants BoJack to suffer but she doesn't want it to hurt her career either. She is finally building something. It would be so tragic if BoJack took it all away from her because of his actions. And so, he plays along. It's another relationship that has ended because of betrayal and destruction from BoJack. He understands how horrifying he has always been. He wants Diane to write a take down piece about him. And yet, she understands that the world may still not hold public individuals accountable for their actions. BoJack wants to believe that the truth of his existence being known to the world will force him to become a different person who is completely good. However, that's just hopeful thinking. He wants to believe that's how the world works. Diane is more aware because she's a woman who writes for the internet. She understands the impact of these pieces. She knows that the world is still slow at making any meaningful progress. Even when the sex robot is taken down for sexual harassment, it's not long until he is offered a new career opportunity. That too is a stark reality and commentary on the modern world. Everyone wants to believe that we are better because we hold others accountable for their actions. But it's just as important to be forgiving of ourselves and the people close to us. Diane accepts that BoJack is a bad person. But she is also aware that it is so much more complex than that. She has told him time and time again that he actually has to be willing to change. He can't just repeat the same lines over and over again in the hopes that he will suddenly be a better person. He actually has to put in the work. He is afforded the opportunity to go away to rehab because Philbert is cancelled. In fact, the entire What Time Is It Right Now? company is shut down. This scandal is simply too overwhelming. It forces everyone to come to terms with what they really want. And yet, even that may be them doing things because it seems like what is easier for them. Mr. Peanutbutter proposes to Pickles because he simply feels uncomfortable giving bad news. And yet, that's only going to hurt her more once she learns that he has also been sleeping with Diane. Meanwhile, Princess Carolyn flies to North Carolina to adopt Sadie's baby. It's a mission she is so committed to even though she is more devoted to her job. She agonizes and delays this flight. But she still shows up at the hospital because she has always wanted this. And finally, Diane ends the season seemingly free. She has the clarity that she has to be willing to accept that she's not perfect while also feeling good about helping the people she cares about. She may hate BoJack right now. But she also wants him to get the help that he needs. Her doing that shows that she is more emotionally healthy despite feeling stuck in her life. A