Blum is out for revenge when he represents a group of Reddick, Boseman & Lockhart's ex-clients who claim the firm overcharged them. When Lucca finds out she's a candidate for an open partner position, she begins to question her reputation within the firm. Diane helps Kurt with a work project.
In 2018, there were 495 scripted shows airing amongst the linear channels and streaming services. The way people are consuming content now is so different than it used to be. It happens according to one's own schedule. As such, there is less necessity to provide ample coverage of each specific episode in any given season from a show. Moreover, it is simply impossible to watch everything. As such, this site is making the move to shorter episodic reviews in order to cover as many shows as possible. With all of that being said, here are my thoughts on the season finale of CBS All Access' The Good Fight.

The world is bleak and chaotic. That has always been the perspective this show takes on the current political climate. Diane has been overwhelmed by the sheer onslaught of depressing and terrible news. She has sought out many different outlets in the hopes of channeling that rage and anger. This season found her actually trying to do something about it. She and Liz joined this resistance group that wanted to take the fight to Trump, his supporters and his enablers. At the end of the day though, Diane's hatred towards the president wasn't enough for her to break the law in order to change the world. She loves the judicial system. She understands that it's flawed and can be prone to its own corruption. She knows that justice is different depending on who the defendant is and the skill of the lawyers representing them. In fact, this finale makes it seem as if the actual world is ending. It's pretty apocalyptic out there. The existence of lightning balls is absolutely terrifying because they are so dangerous and hard to study as well. Sure, it makes this finale seem a little similar to the closing of the first season in which Diane and Adrian were also at the firm contemplating on how the world may be coming to an end. In both instances, that's not true. Life keeps on moving. They are facing the absolute worst. The current leader is encouraging everyone to act at their most immoral. It takes people of valor to stand up for the rule of law and do the right thing. It's so easy to be greedy and corrupt. That's the profound stance of the people currently in charge. It's even capable of corrupting those who wish to take bold actions to remove Trump from power. Meanwhile, there are plenty of people in the middle who understand that these challenging times shouldn't rid themselves of their personal identity and beliefs. At the end of this season, Diane acknowledges that love can foster hope. She has to write a speech for Kurt as he introduces Trump at a rally. That's horrifying to her. And yet, she also delights at seeing how uncomfortable Kurt is at the actual event. A news story is even written about him being removed from the crowd for not being enthusiastic enough. This season saw Diane and Kurt commit to their love in a major way. They showed it in actions that helped the other without them even realizing it. They have so much compassion. They know that whatever the world throws at them they can handle it because they have each other. The world isn't ending. It's just perfect to spend as much time together as possible. Of course, that's what makes the actual conclusion of this season so bleak and horrifying. Diane was warned by Rachelle not to mess with the book club's actions after she and Liz left the group. Diane and Liz asked Jay and Marissa to deal with these threats. And now, it may lead to Diane and Kurt also being swatted because they pose a threat to the future of this organization. That's terrifying. Diane may accept that happiness should be celebrated instead of feared that something bad is around the corner. In this instance though, something very bad is around the corner that could lead to this happiness being absolutely destroyed. That's a threat that won't be picked up until the next season though.
Elsewhere, the finale deals with Blum attempting to get his revenge on the firm for getting him disbarred. He has assembled a group of former clients who believe that the firm overcharged them for their legal services. It doesn't appear as if there is any actual merit to the case. Blum and Maia are just using it to make a point to the firm that has fundamentally changed their lives. That makes all of this appear a little slanted because it should absolutely be a conversation over whether or not this business is being responsibly managed. The previous hour just pointed out the various issues that are dominating this workplace. The staff is still very much divided. They may feel that way because of the way the world always plays towards certain tropes. Lucca and another associate are essentially being pitted against each other for the open partnership. It plays into the horrible trope of asking black women to fight for the same position instead of being valued and appreciated on their own merits. It's even more problematic that the people making the decision are willing to overlook these qualified candidates of color in order to just offer the job to a less impressive white person. Now, Maia has certainly come a long way as a lawyer. Diane says that Maia is offered the partnership spot because Adrian was impressed with her tactics in court. But everyone is right to call it an attempt to buy her off. They want to eliminate this threat. Maia is the only one who continues to give Blum legitimacy. If she weren't working with him, then he would have no ground to stand on. Of course, she also points out that he is still licensed to practice law in Washington, D.C. That could signal that the two of them are moving on to greener pastures where their deceit could be used to influence even more legal cases. But Maia's heel turn has also been defined by her acknowledging how troubling Blum's tactics are while also appreciating who he fundamentally is. She sees him as someone she can work with and never feel compassion or trust towards. That may not be the basis for a healthy partnership. It could implode in so many ways. But Maia is absolutely tempted by this lifestyle. Her attempts at crafting falsehoods to best suit her case aren't as successful. However, she still chooses Blum in the end. That is very telling as well. He could have ruined her career. And now, she is embracing so much of what he embodies. She may not show up for him in court to testify on his behalf for why he should keep his law license. But she also sees this case with the potential of delivering a strong message to the people who also betrayed her through this whole ordeal. Things are weird now between her and Diane. They can't get back what they had before even if Maia rejoined the firm. As such, the divide will stand. It just means there is no immediate answer as to whether Lucca will become a partner and have more of a voice at the firm despite people judging her for not being black enough. That too carries so much weight and fuels her understanding that she just shouldn't care what other people think about her because she is damn good at this job - even if the world happens to be ending.
Elsewhere, the finale deals with Blum attempting to get his revenge on the firm for getting him disbarred. He has assembled a group of former clients who believe that the firm overcharged them for their legal services. It doesn't appear as if there is any actual merit to the case. Blum and Maia are just using it to make a point to the firm that has fundamentally changed their lives. That makes all of this appear a little slanted because it should absolutely be a conversation over whether or not this business is being responsibly managed. The previous hour just pointed out the various issues that are dominating this workplace. The staff is still very much divided. They may feel that way because of the way the world always plays towards certain tropes. Lucca and another associate are essentially being pitted against each other for the open partnership. It plays into the horrible trope of asking black women to fight for the same position instead of being valued and appreciated on their own merits. It's even more problematic that the people making the decision are willing to overlook these qualified candidates of color in order to just offer the job to a less impressive white person. Now, Maia has certainly come a long way as a lawyer. Diane says that Maia is offered the partnership spot because Adrian was impressed with her tactics in court. But everyone is right to call it an attempt to buy her off. They want to eliminate this threat. Maia is the only one who continues to give Blum legitimacy. If she weren't working with him, then he would have no ground to stand on. Of course, she also points out that he is still licensed to practice law in Washington, D.C. That could signal that the two of them are moving on to greener pastures where their deceit could be used to influence even more legal cases. But Maia's heel turn has also been defined by her acknowledging how troubling Blum's tactics are while also appreciating who he fundamentally is. She sees him as someone she can work with and never feel compassion or trust towards. That may not be the basis for a healthy partnership. It could implode in so many ways. But Maia is absolutely tempted by this lifestyle. Her attempts at crafting falsehoods to best suit her case aren't as successful. However, she still chooses Blum in the end. That is very telling as well. He could have ruined her career. And now, she is embracing so much of what he embodies. She may not show up for him in court to testify on his behalf for why he should keep his law license. But she also sees this case with the potential of delivering a strong message to the people who also betrayed her through this whole ordeal. Things are weird now between her and Diane. They can't get back what they had before even if Maia rejoined the firm. As such, the divide will stand. It just means there is no immediate answer as to whether Lucca will become a partner and have more of a voice at the firm despite people judging her for not being black enough. That too carries so much weight and fuels her understanding that she just shouldn't care what other people think about her because she is damn good at this job - even if the world happens to be ending.