Bill gets drawn into a horrifying crime that hits close to home. Holden receives an intriguing offer while in Atlanta to interview a pair of killers.
In 2018, there were 495 scripted shows airing amongst the linear channels and streaming services. The way people are consuming content now is so different than it used to be. It happens according to one's own schedule. As such, there is less necessity to provide ample coverage of each specific episode in any given season from a show. Moreover, it is simply impossible to watch everything. As such, this site is making the move to shorter episodic reviews in order to cover as many shows as possible. With all of that being said, here are my thoughts on the next episode of Netflix's Mindhunter.

The drama is absolutely expanding the focus of its narrative this season. Ted Gunn gave the BSU the mission of showing more results for the bosses at the FBI to justify allocating more resources and attention to the unit. And now, the show is articulating the different ways in which race determines how the authorities operate. In Bill's home community, everyone is living in fear over the sheer suspicion that a white child's murder was somehow related to a cult ritual. That was certainly one concern for the local detective. But it's not something that Bill can base in any sort of reality. Yes, it absolutely is suspicious and twisted that this young child was crucified. That's tragic and should rightfully upset the people of this world. And yet, people should also be upset about the murder of black children in Atlanta. When Holden arrives in the city, he knows absolutely nothing about it. Instead, he sees a city trying to expand its economic status with an airport under renovation. He has come here by himself because Bill can't leave his wife alone the day after learning her real estate listing was used for something so sinister. It's perilous that Holden is conducting two interviews by himself. Wendy doesn't know if he should be trusted with that responsibility yet. She doesn't have the confidence that he has a strong handling of his panic and anxiety issues. In fact, she sees him as a man checked out and distracted when she listens to the tapes. He absolutely is as well. He is more interested in finding the patterns that connect these open cases in Atlanta instead of trying to figure out the psychology of two serial killers who don't present as all that smart. William Pierce Jr. desperately wants the world to see him as smart and capable. He hates the reality that comes from being labeled a "moron." That's his sole operating instinct when he committed violence. He wants people to respect him but he struggles actually making his points that he is much more capable than he initially seems. He is mostly just a guy who will do and say whatever he wants if he gets some candy out of it. Meanwhile, William Henry Hance presents as someone with a circular way of talking who can easily get confused without letting that phase him whatsoever. Holden has important questions to ask about the logistics of the notes he sent to the police. He wanted to know if it was to help craft the narrative of his killing in the media. But it was mostly out of concern that the police weren't doing enough even though they didn't know that they were suppose to be doing something at all. These interviews do drag on a little bit while playing for some broad humor. That's not really a note this show does all that well. It's not the main interest. This show is dramatic almost all of the time. That doesn't make it a dour mess though. It remains captivating because it tells stories of such importance like what is currently happening in Atlanta. It highlights how mothers of black children taken too soon have often been asked to be warriors fighting because the system would rather just ignore what's going on. The police and the politicians of this town are more than willing to excuse all of this behavior instead of comment on it fully. They just see a problem that isn't worth the hassle or could cost the city some business. And yet, there are communities of people who fear for their children. Holden wants to help but he too seems to be swayed by the argument from the police. There absolutely is a pattern amongst these victims that indicates a serial killer is on the loose. So many people don't want to admit that until there are even more victims. That ensures more tragedy will befall this community. Local activists are fighting for their stories to be heard. It shouldn't be this hard. And yet, it too often is. That's the reality. It makes it seem like Holden is the community's saving grace by just happening to be in town and not tainted by local politics. But he may not present as a strong ally at the moment. He may eventually become important to this case. He wants to help. He just doesn't see it as something he could provide insights on that the police aren't already doing. That too is inherently tragic. He's not the calming presence that Bill happens to be for his own community. But those calming words from both don't actually amount to much to ensure that justice is found and safety is resorted. These communities still live in fear over what may be happening.