When a shop class mishap inspires a sexist dress code, Jessi rebels. Missy struggles to keep her alter ego in check. Andrew gets a wake-up call.
In 2018, there were 495 scripted shows airing amongst the linear channels and streaming services. The way people are consuming content now is so different than it used to be. It happens according to one's own schedule. As such, there is less necessity to provide ample coverage of each specific episode in any given season from a show. Moreover, it is simply impossible to watch everything. As such, this site is making the move to shorter episodic reviews in order to cover as many shows as possible. With all of that being said, here are my thoughts on the next episode of Netflix's Big Mouth.

Female rage and anger has long been made into this unsavory thing that is unladylike and should be shunned whenever it is seen. That has always been unfair and sexist viewpoint. Women are just as complex as any else in the world. With men, there is the oversimplification of who they are fundamentally allowed to be. Everyone is always more willing to indulge in their bad behavior because of the cheeky idea that men are nothing more than animals who have no impulse control. That is wrong and only encourages more bad behavior to take place. If they aren't held accountable, then they will continue to abuse their power in this world. Meanwhile, women are always projected onto such high standards that are crippling to so many because they are simply unobtainable. They can't express an opinion or outrage over them either because that seemingly goes against their code of conduct. It's all insane. But it also presents itself through this episode as an internal battle with Missy. She simply wants to wear the clothes she always does. She doesn't want to change who she is. She doesn't want to dress provocatively just to deliver a message about female choice and sexuality. She views this protest as one of liberation and freedom. This public middle school has always allowed its students to express themselves sincerely even though most of them are disgusting little monsters. The show fundamentally believes that's simply a part of life at this particular point in time. But it's much more perilous now because of social media and the connectivity of humanity. It is forcing people to grow up faster than ever before. As such, the pressure of the world and the standards of society are already bearing down on the younger generation. Nick wants to believe that he is a good guy who is an ally to the women in his class. However, he doesn't speak up when Jay and Andrew are acting like misogynistic monsters. Silence can also come across as complicity. It is no longer good enough to stand on the sidelines. It's vital for people who present themselves as allies to actually speak up and use their power and influence to make the change they say they support. Of course, it's also a really confusing time for everyone. For Missy, it presents as this binary choice where she can either be non-confrontational or go in for the kill. It doesn't have to present as that. In fact, it shouldn't because the topic is so complex. Jessi doesn't quite know what she wants from this protest either. She wants to feel empowered wearing her protest outfit. And yet, she only gets support from Cantor Dina which throws into question her entire reasoning for this big display. It all has the potential of being fun. But it also seems as if everyone is continuing to prop up bad behavior. The burden shouldn't just be on the young women to stop teasing young men with their bodies. In fact, the situation should be reversed. Men need to have better control over their impulses. Of course, this is also an episode built around Jay eventually having sex with a turkey. That was inevitable as soon as the premise was initially described. It's a way for the show to still be outrageous and gross with its core humor. However, it all stems from Jay's confusion regarding his sexual orientation. He wants to delay actually addressing this uncertainty. That isn't going to work. He needs to put in the effort to look within to truly accept who he is. That is a powerful concept. It somewhat doesn't fit in with the rest of the episode though. Oh, and Andrew also attends a white supremacist meeting. His character arc has sent him down a very dark and horrifying path. He has been so abusive and aggressive while feeling entitled to have love in his life from the people around him. His classmates are right to push him away. It also shouldn't take being compared to a nazi for him to understand just how bad his behavior has gotten. It is enlightening. He has the potential for change now. And yet, the path towards potential redemption is going to be long and arduous. He could easily backslide at any moment because of how the system is set up to encourage the heinous actions that have been so destructive as of late. The tip of his finger is cut off here. But he still comes across as the aggressor who needs to take a step back to reflect on who is actually being abused by the world. That's just as important.