Thursday, February 13, 2020

REVIEW: 'Everything's Gonna Be Okay' - Nicholas Supports His Sisters No Matter What in 'Harvester Ants'

Freeform's Everything's Gonna Be Okay - Episode 1.06 "Harvester Ants"

Nicholas has a very weird week! Genevieve promised Matilda she wouldn't make a scene but she ends up in the Principal's office. Nicholas stands off with another parent. Matilda demands answers but Nicholas struggles to give her any.

In 2019, the television industry aired 532 scripted shows across numerous outlets. The way people consume content now is different than it used to be. It happens according to one's own schedule. As such, it's less necessary to provide ample coverage of each episode in any given season from a show. Moreover, it is simply impossible to watch everything. As such, this site provides shorter episodic reviews in order to cover as many shows as possible. With all of that being said, here are my thoughts on the next episode of Freeform's Everything's Gonna Be Okay.

"Harvester Ants" was written by Marissa Berlin and directed by Silas Howard

Matilda doesn't view her encounter with Zane as rape. She sits outside the Principal's office not as a victim who plays a crucial role in the fight that happened between Genevieve and Zane. She sits there because she is supportive of her sister no matter what. It doesn't matter that she is angry with Genevieve for telling her friends about what happened. She knows that her support is needed. It's important for her to be there. Nicholas is a fierce defender of his sisters as well. He doesn't know the backstory for what happened when he enters the office. After a brief conversation with his sisters though, he is just as strong and determined as Genevieve is when it comes to defending Matilda. He has the absolute clarity that this was statutory rape even if the issue of consent is more murky. He understands that this isn't a subject that can just be rationalized away. He doesn't have to believe in the good nature of the guy. He just has to believe Matilda when she tells her story. Of course, it's complicated for her because she doesn't view it the same way as everyone else does. It still fundamentally has to be her story. Others are certainly allowed to have opinions. Those may conflict with what Matilda feels. It's just confusing for her because it seems like a system without clear enough rules. She wants to understand what happened in order to better know how to operate in the future. She has a basic understanding of rape. She has seen it in movies. It's when a guy forcibly holds a woman against her will in order to have sex with her. That is the extreme of the issue. It's not the only circumstance that classifies as rape though. Nicholas understands that. He just has no idea how to articulate it to Matilda in a way that she understands. He would rather deflect and distract her. He doesn't have the answers she seeks. All he can be is the supportive brother. Genevieve says she could have survived a suspension. She even views it as something badass that would help better define her identity amongst her peers. Nicholas didn't have to defend his sisters as fiercely as he did in the Principal's office. And yet, he wanted to make that stand. He needed people to know that this was not okay. Yes, fighting shouldn't be condoned at all. It shouldn't be the first response that Genevieve feels in a situation. But she is also the one injured following this encounter. Zane's behavior deserves to be analyzed significantly as well. This may not rise to the level of growing concern that could dramatically change Matilda's life at school. Again, she is just trying to understand why others treat her differently. She is there to support her family as they too are trying to figure out what they like in the world. She views herself as a high functioning person with autism. As such, that shouldn't be used against her when it comes to her sexual life. Nicholas proclaims that it may always define her though. She will have to be more careful and considerate because of her inability to read a fair amount of social cues. This is a discussion that will evolve. And then, Nicholas just leaves for Mexico with Alex. That's a little jarring. It puts him in a complete new environment. One that positions him as an absolute monster that Alex doesn't want to be around. He no longer sees why he was ever attracted to this person in the first place. It's a real and genuine fight. They both say things that they immediately want to take back. They feel the urgency to remain involved and intimate. They can't let the other escape to feel something all on their own. But that may be the ugly reality of the situation as well. People can be so destructive with the words they use. Sometimes it's just to direct anger in a specific moment. Other times, it stems from a deep rooted belief that has boiled to the surface. Here, the characters are all at a loss for how to express themselves. Nicholas is both nurturing, protective and absolutely insane here. He covers such a wild array of emotions. He is a multi-faceted person who thinks it's funny to drop room service over his boyfriend's head while he's in the bathtub. That's crazy. Alex is right to be angry. Nicholas is at a loss for how to respond as well. He knows how to handle certain situations. But he is still prone to mistakes as well. He still has his sisters no matter what but this Mexico trip will either strengthen or weaken the bond he has with Alex.