- NAOMI (Drama) - Based on the DC comic of the same name. Written by Ava DuVernay (Queen Sugar) and Jill Blankenship (Arrow). Executive produced by DuVernay, Blankenship, Sarah Bremner and Paul Garnes. Produced by Warner Bros. Television and Array Filmworks. Logline: A teen girl journeys from her small northwestern town to the heights of the multiverse. When a supernatural event shakes her hometown to the core, Naomi sets out to uncover its origins, and what she discovers will challenge everything we believe about our heroes.
- THE POWERPUFF GIRLS (Drama) - Live-action reboot of the Cartoon Network animated series. Written by Diablo Cody (Juno) and Heather Regnier (Veronica Mars). Executive produced by Cody, Regnier, Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter and David Madden. Produced by Warner Bros. Television and Berlanti Productions. Logline: The three Powerpuff Girls used to be America's pint-sized superheroes. Now, they're disillusioned 20-somethings who resent having lost their childhood to crimefighting. Will they agree to reunite now that the world needs them more than ever?
- UNTITLED ROTHROCK/WEIR PROJECT (Drama) - Written by Claire Rothrock and Ryann Weir. Executive produced by Rothrock, Weir, Jennie Snyder Urman and Joanna Klein. Produced by CBS Studios and Sutton St. Productions. Logline: Two millennial nuns - a devout true believer and a new arrival who has yet to take her final vows - start as strangers and become sisters on a funny, spiritual journey to understand their own faith and place in the Catholic church.