Tuesday, April 27, 2021

REVIEW: '9-1-1: Lone Star' - Owen and Grace Reluctantly Embrace Help From Their Loved Ones in 'A Little Help From My Friends'

FOX's 9-1-1: Lone Star - Episode 2.10 "A Little Help From My Friends"

The 126 make calls to a bloody disaster at an ice cream shop and help rescue a boy missing from his own birthday party. The 126 holds an "intervention" for Owen after he accidentally spills his secrets to new roommate Mateo. T.K. and Carlos take a big step in their relationship. Grace learns to rely on others in the aftermath of the car accident.

In 2020, the television industry aired 493 scripted shows across numerous outlets. The way people consume content now is different than it used to be. It happens according to one's own schedule. As such, it's less necessary to provide ample coverage of each episode in any given season from a show. Moreover, it is simply impossible to watch everything. As such, this site provides shorter episodic reviews in order to cover as many shows as possible. With all of that being said, here are my thoughts on the next episode of FOX's 9-1-1: Lone Star.

"A Little Help From My Friends" was written by Jalysa Conway and directed by Marita Grabiak

People need help sometimes. No shame should come from admitting that fact. People want to help as well. Those relationships should be nurtured and loving. It can be tough to get out of one's own way though. Now, this show and the original series haven't always spent a lot of time focusing on the healing process for their characters after major traumas occur to them. They return to their jobs relatively quickly. And so, it wouldn't be surprising if Grace returns to relative normalcy sooner rather than later. The more interesting story development could be her now being pregnant. That is the more life-affirming aspect of her world that could still be full of drama. However, this episode highlights her difficult recovery because she is being stubborn. She is trying to prove just how strong and independent she is. Nothing has to change following the crash. Judd is already back at work. He should be fine leaving her and not worrying about her condition. Of course, Grace still pushes herself too much. She winds up in the back of her car unable to move for six hours. She waits until Tommy is able to come rescue her. She is so loving and full of compassion for other people. She helped Judd's father see the need for modifying his house so he could continue leaving there by himself. She faces a similar plight here. She too is stubborn and wants to prove her toughness. This situation doesn't pertain to that at all. It's perfectly acceptable for her to ask for help. It's still difficult. She feels the pressure to always present a certain way. That shouldn't apply to her personal relationships. It does though. It seeps in and warps her worldview. Judd is more than willing to help get her up and moving. He loves her and will do anything to keep her safe. He doesn't want to lose her. Their family is growing. That spark of joy keeps them hopeful about everything while also affirming the love already present between them. Their world is expanding. That stands in contrast to Owen's world. His is shrinking. Gwyn is no longer around. He was preparing to start a new life with her. They could be a family once more. T.K. needed his parents around too. And now, Gwyn and T.K. have both moved out. It's a happy celebration for T.K. His move comes from love. He and Carlos are moving in together. T.K. is worried about what this move will mean for his father. He is right to worry as well. He is still entitled to live his own life too. A little independence is completely healthy. In fact, it showcases an underlying problem Owen has been dealing with. He feels his life is completely empty now. As such, the suffering he carries from still technically having cancer is enough to fill him with purpose and uncertainty. Those are the qualities he wishes to seek out and embrace. It's not a healthy coping mechanism whatsoever. It's been a part of his life long before Gwyn and T.K. left though. It's simply being called out now. It's more apparent. The entire team can notice his depression. It's impacting his actions. He still carries himself well in the field. He opens his door to Mateo when he needs it. However, Mateo mostly just needs a place to sleep. He doesn't need a roommate. He doesn't want to provide emotional security to someone else. He did what it took to save his foolish roommates when they messed with the gas running to their house. It still leaves him abandoned with no real possessions. He accepts his captain's offer. It comes with more baggage though. Any member of the team would be willing to welcome Mateo in. He just has to ask. Sometimes it's hard to do so. Owen doesn't want to admit to having a problem. The team must hold an intervention for him. It's awkward. It doesn't go well. The point still comes across though. This could become a longterm story for him. He struggles with feeling happy and content with his life. It is absolutely full and with purpose. He still feels alone. That depression just doesn't go away with some ice cream delivery. It's a nice thought. It allows lighthearted happiness to fill his world. He will still have to be pushed further. Of course, that's only if the show is genuinely interested in pursuing these consequences to trauma and the human psyche. That hasn't always been a given.