Monday, October 11, 2021

REVIEW: 'The Baby-Sitters Club' - Stacey's Strive for Perfection Causes Some Major Side Effects in 'Stacey's Emergency'

Netflix's The Baby-Sitters Club - Episode 2.03 "Stacey's Emergency"

The BSC prepares to rule the runway as Stacey's special guests for a gala fashion show. But a series of concerning symptoms challenge the glitz and glam.

In 2020, the television industry aired 493 scripted shows across numerous outlets. The way people consume content now is different than it used to be. It happens according to one's own schedule. As such, it's less necessary to provide ample coverage of each episode in any given season from a show. Moreover, it is simply impossible to watch everything. As such, this site provides shorter episodic reviews in order to cover as many shows as possible. With all of that being said, here are my thoughts on the next episode of Netflix's The Baby-Sitters Club.

"Stacey's Emergency" was written by Ryan O'Connell and directed by Kimmy Gatewood

Stacey believes she has to be absolutely perfect in order to serve as an ambassador promoting wellness in the diabetes community. This disease has informed a great deal of her life. She has learned to control it. She believes she has mastered it actually. It's just a numbers game. She is good at math. And so, this is something she just always has to be aware of. She knows exactly what to do in each particular situation. But then, she fluctuates. She is thrown off when her numbers spike and dip. She knows how she behaves when her body reacts like that. She knows what she has to do. She also feels shame for not being better. She feels like a fraud because she is being recognized for being such a responsible kid. In fact, this show loves commenting on how mature its young cast is. That's what Elizabeth and Sharon comment on when their daughters get together. They are proud of what they have achieved and what they care about. It's more than just boys and lip gloss. They are aware of the world at large. They are trying to make a difference. That comes from babysitting. That's a service to their local community. More importantly, this episode features a gala meant to benefit an organization helping those with diabetes. It hits close for all of them because they have the personal connection in Stacey. Plus, they get to be in a fashion show. That adds to the overall excitement. It only targets Stacey's insecurities though. She feels ashamed because her body isn't perfect. These imperfections are drowning out her mind. She believes she should have things figured out at this point. She's just in middle school. That's a lot of pressure to put on herself. That's the reality of life right now. Young people are being exposed to more and more things. It's not as simple as it was all once perceived as. This show is aware of those conventions. It wants to break them in order to show the fully realized and complex dimensions of young identities. It's a rewarding venture into what these stories have always been even when they weren't always depicted accurately onscreen. It's freeing in a way. It's also deeply personal. Jessi wants to see the parallels in her diet regimen with Stacey monitoring her blood sugar. Stacey doesn't see things as the same. That creates animosity. Stacey knows that she is irritable when her blood sugar is low. She knows how to treat it. She is still embarrassed because she allowed things to get this bad. It disrupts what should be a celebratory night. She needs a doctor to check on her instead of beaming with pride while delivering a speech to inspire others. She hasn't conquered diabetes. This is still a learning process for her. She has accepted this disease. She doesn't have to like it all the time. She can't always manage it perfectly. Sometimes, her body just responses in different ways. Those need to be noticed and acknowledged too. Her friends care about her. They want her to succeed in everything she aspires to have. Stacey doesn't want them to worry too much. She doesn't want them to perceive her as this disease and nothing else. It's a crucial part of her life. It's not everything. The ups and downs are the story though. That's the message she wants to share. She isn't perfect. It's not enviable to pursue that hopeless dream. It's better to accept the support from others who notice and care about these developments. Similarly, Kristy is excited to hear that Elizabeth and Watson are trying to have a baby. She fears the secrecy is because of her mixed emotions towards the couple in the previous season. She wants to showcase her maturity. In reality, Elizabeth doesn't want to let down her daughter. She doesn't want to get everyone's hopes up only for them to be shattered because of the reality of trying to have another baby. She knows it's going to be more difficult. She wants it to happen. This family has more than enough love to share around. They are perfect as is too. That too takes true acceptance. It's fine to dream for more so much as it doesn't take away from the happiness that already exists. That maturity is on display despite the awkward hurdles and miscommunication that gets in the way at first. This mother and daughter can navigate anything so long as they're honest with each other. They need to trust in that. That's the lesson that is continually learned throughout these stories. They are growing up. It's not happening at a brisk pace that would alter who these characters are at their core though. At this point, the audience should know exactly who everyone is and how they react. That's comforting. The show enjoys being embraced in that feeling for as long as possible.