Wednesday, October 13, 2021

REVIEW: 'The Baby-Sitters Club' - Kristy Has Mixed Feelings About Seeing Her Father Again in 'Kristy and the Baby Parade'

Netflix's The Baby-Sitters Club - Episode 2.08 "Kristy and the Baby Parade"

The return of the Stoneybrook Baby Parade leads to a crafty (and chaotic) project for the BSC - and a bittersweet surprise for Kristy and her family.

In 2020, the television industry aired 493 scripted shows across numerous outlets. The way people consume content now is different than it used to be. It happens according to one's own schedule. As such, it's less necessary to provide ample coverage of each episode in any given season from a show. Moreover, it is simply impossible to watch everything. As such, this site provides shorter episodic reviews in order to cover as many shows as possible. With all of that being said, here are my thoughts on the season finale of Netflix's The Baby-Sitters Club.

"Kristy and the Baby Parade" was written by Rachel Shukert and directed by Kimmy Gatewood

Elizabeth has such excitement upon learning that Stoneybrook is reviving the annual Baby Parade. It brings back found memories of when Kristy was a baby. Kristy has no connection to it whatsoever. She was too young to remember that it happened. This event is a play towards nostalgia for the community. No one can remember why it stopped ten years ago. They are simply excited that it's coming back to town. That too serves as a meta message for what this show aspires to do. It is a nostalgia play for fans of Ann M. Martin's series of books. It's adapted into present day life while recognizing the charms of the past. It's something the central friends love as well. It's a way to forge even stronger relationships. Babysitting offers a solid business model for all of them. They are capable of doing it and are happy doing so. They provide a service to the people of this community. It makes everyone feel good. It's a nice heartwarming story. One where people can feel strongly about the kids of today. They can still be competitive. Claudia has a whole story about how she and Mary Anne were robbed by Kristy in the prior Baby Parade. Kristy doesn't care one way or the other. However, Claudia feels the need to honor Mimi's legacy by winning with the outfit she made for her all those years ago. The club overall attempts to build a float based on the old woman who lived in a shoe. They see how cute and charming it can be. They don't quite have the execution to pull it off. They still find a way to have fun with it. Mallory gets a small victory in the end. Everyone is largely trusted to go their own way. They care for these babies. They make them feel unique while still centering their own perspectives in the various costumes. People make a big deal out of all of this. They care because they are told that they should. Moreover, it could be a great advertising opportunity for the Baby-Sitters Club. Spending money here may help bring in more business. Kristy is embarrassed to get on a float with the past winners. And yet, that only highlights her own insecurities about seeing her father again. He hasn't been a part of her life in a long time. Her parents split up. Elizabeth has been the active parent. She found Watson. They are a happy family now. Kristy wants to give her father the benefit of the doubt. That's what Stacey wants to believe about her parents as well. She knows they are fighting. They could potentially be heading to a split. Her father is essentially living in New York City again. She feels that stress and uncertainty. She has to be patient for them to figure it out. She can't worry too much. She can't ignore it either. Expressing it is important. The same is true about all of Kristy's complicated feelings towards her father. Mary Anne doesn't want her to get her hopes up again. She has seen this play out the same way far too many times. It's great if he can be there for his new family. He hasn't been supportive of the kids he already has. They don't have to see him. It's striking how Kristy's siblings always look to her for guidance on what to do. She is the one seen as having the maturity to make that decision even though one of her brothers is already driving. That's striking. But she also serves as the entry point for the story. She has so much empathy for those around her. She always wants to check to see how her mother is doing. Elizabeth has her own complicated feelings on the subject. She can't stand in the way of the choices her children make. They are disappointed. And yet, they have a father in Watson. He has shown up for them. Adopting them may be a complicated process. It's something that Kristy welcomes. He can be a lot to handle at times. But he's the father she wants. That choice is hers as well. She is encouraged and loved in this environment. That comes both from her friends and family. In fact, they all support each other. That has always been the foundation of this story. It bears repeating often because it showcases the power and unique insight these kids have on the world. They encompass a broad array of emotions in every possible situation. Life isn't always easy. However, they are trusted to be a part of it with the responsibility necessary to explore what's possible. That's rewarding and serves as a great champion for friendships that honor the individuality of each person. These people make each other better. They recognize and reward that consistently. The audience should shower praise onto that as well.