Friday, November 3, 2023

REVIEW: 'Bosch: Legacy' - Maddie Almost Loses It on the Job While Mo Makes a New Connection in 'Hollywood Forever'

Freevee's Bosch: Legacy - Episode 2.05 "Hollywood Forever"

Bosch follows a hunch in the Parks case, but it backfires on him. Maddie hits the streets with Vasquez in her first CRU caper. Mo meets his match at a hackers' conference. Chandler starts playing the long game against the FBI. Ellis and Long keep a close eye on Bosch and Chandler.

"Hollywood Forever" was written by Chris Wu and directed by Leslie Libman

Many people have contempt for Bosch now that he's working for a defense lawyer especially given his decades of service to the LAPD. Bosch and Chandler even have a contentious history where he once symbolized all that she sought to hold accountable within law enforcement. Now, he has become a pivotal ally. It's a dynamic forged out of convenience. They admire each other's morals and codes. They still view the world differently. They clash over the tactics they must employ. And yet, they both have genuine beliefs that the system can work. Foster is innocent of Lexi Parks' murder. They are the only ones capable of proving it. He deserves his freedom despite the many lies he's told. He doesn't deserve to be punished in this case. He didn't commit this crime. In fact, Bosch and Chandler finally obtain the evidence to corroborate his alibi. More work must still be done. The surveillance footage of the motel from far away doesn't completely exonerate Foster. It's a pivotal step forward. It's all possible because of Bosch's determination and Chandler's resources. They make a compelling team despite their reluctance to embrace this work full time together.

The people criticizing Bosch aren't perfect either. Ellis and Long ridicule Bosch. They are also running a scheme exploiting sex workers to steal valuable items from their clients. Sometimes they have to get rough in order to force compliance. Moreover, Bosch notices that Lexi's watch is missing. He finds a way into the crime scene to explore further. He enters under false pretenses of being an interested buyer for a house on the market. Lexi's husband doesn't appreciate that deception. His friends in the sheriff's office feel they too must deliver a message to Bosch. They respect him as one of their own. However, they are only willing to tolerate his behavior for so long. If he has evidence that points to a different suspect, they'll gladly take it and investigate further. Right now, it's more important to move forward with the charges against Foster because it offers an immediate resolution. It doesn't have to be right. It just affords the family the opportunity for closure. It's false hope. Others manipulate their grief to get away with sloppy police work. That's why Bosch is motivated to act. He has to get things right. That's what justice means to him.

Bosch and Chandler also know the FBI is eyeing them in relation to the deaths of Carl Rogers and Simon Wakefield. Chandler even puts on a performance to mislead her assistant Matthew Ramirez into believing she's destroyed evidence. She was warned by the agents to preserve any evidence connected to this case. That legal casework was gathered. And then, Chandler provided a bag of shredded paper to be discarded. Of course, the "evidence" is quickly handed off to the FBI. Ramirez isn't free from their demands either. He's seemingly working for them under duress. He can't escape. This is something he has to do. The season is clearly trying to provide more dimension for its supporting characters. They are more than the work they provide to Bosch and Chandler. However, it's only brief moments of dimension. The job still essentially defines who they are. Ramirez represents a threat. Chandler knows that. She doesn't need more of an explanation for his behavior. This too is something she must do in order to protect herself. It's information she weaponizes in the hopes of defeating the FBI. And yet, the agents still gather more damning evidence against Bosch. He's recognized. He doesn't have the same protection Chandler is guaranteed as a lawyer. Plus, he's busy with the Foster case instead of solely focusing on how to target the investigators.

Mo and Vasquez are other characters the show aims to spend more time on. Mo attends a convention where everyone idolizes him. And yet, he's most interested in the person either ignoring him or teasing him. She catches his eye. He must investigate further. He has the expertise to learn more about her. Nothing can compare to an honest conversation in person. Even then, the two are sizing each other up and only letting a few details about themselves out. They are protecting themselves even while in an environment that should feel more safe and comforting. Meanwhile, Vasquez strives to always protect Maddie on the job. They were partners. Vasquez then got assigned to CRU. Maddie quickly followed because she continues to impress people. She thrives in the midst of investigative work. It doesn't matter how small the case is. She has a keen eye for details others miss. When patrolling the streets of Hollywood, a different form of policing is necessary. One where she had to quickly adapt. She sought to reform the image of policing by listening and advocating for the community. She now leads with more authority because of her position within CRU. Everyone is proud of what she's achieved. She still develops some troubling warning signs during her second day in the field.

Maddie almost loses it. She doesn't believe she was close. She absolutely was. She didn't tell her dad about the assignment because she wanted to avoid a lecture. He simply would have questioned if she was ready for it. People have a right to worry. The viewer is given the perspective of her struggling to sleep while keeping her gun close. She's constantly training and pushing her body. She's eager to prove herself. Mistakes are still made. CRU is tasked with reducing crime. It's in the name of the specialized unit. Maddie and Vasquez wear plain clothes to blend in as tourists. Their job is catch people running cons on Hollywood Boulevard. This narrative will never change. It's always constant. Vasquez makes a joke comparing the work to the weather. Those are the expectations. It's still important to stop criminals before they harm people. That's what it means for the police to serve and protect. Maddie assaults the guy she pursues. She's partly frustrated by having to chase him. However, she's overcome with rage. It all ties back to her abduction and how powerless she felt. She takes it out on someone who doesn't deserve it. Vasquez sees a new side of her partner. She doesn't immediately suggest she's not up for the job. She still sees it as vital to check in. Maddie must acknowledge what happened in order to address these concerns. No one else needs to be notified. Maddie can't deny that her actions are different than the last time she patrolled the streets.