Friday, November 3, 2023

REVIEW: 'Bosch: Legacy' - Maddie Delivers Her Victim Impact Statement at Dockweiler's Sentencing in 'Dos Matadores'

Freevee's Bosch: Legacy - Episode 2.06 "Dos Matadores"

Bosch looks into another murder that might be tied to the Parks case. Chandler clashes with the DA over the fate of David Foster. Kurt Dockweiler's sentencing looms over Maddie. Mo hatches a risky scheme to help Jade Quinn. Ellis and Long begin to feel the heat.

"Dos Matadores" was written by Emily Ragsdale and directed by Alex Zakrzewski

Maddie has struggled to write her victim impact statement. Dockweiler's sentencing was fast approaching. She didn't know if she even wanted to speak during the hearing. She refuses to view herself as a victim. She wasn't violated in the same way the others he attacked were. They were raped. She was abducted in an attempt to bargain for a better deal. He refused to be branded as a rapist even though that was precisely what he was. And yet, what he did to Maddie was a crime. She suffers from the trauma. She has refused to talk about it. So many offered to help her find the right words for this moment. They have their advice for what this opportunity should mean. It has to hold personal relevance for Maddie. She can't just go through the motions of what's expected of her. She is expected to step forward with her humanity. That's the only way people are recognized in the system. She must draw attention to what Dockweiler's crimes did to her. She fears how she will be perceived based on what she says. She can't focus on that. She has no control over how others will react.

Bosch knows to ignore the threats that come from his fellow officers. They target him because word has gotten out about him working for Foster's defense. Law enforcement believes he is a traitor for working to free a man they immediately believe is guilty of killing the wife of one of their own. They are incredibly protective. Bosch warns Maddie she is likely to receive some of this vitriol. She must prepare herself. That's yet another distraction she must endure. She's already off during her shift because of the pressure from the hearing. So much of it is self-imposed. The prosecutor's office wants to know if she plans on making a statement. They simply want to plan for all that can be expected during this hearing. They don't want any surprises. People pledge to attend because they hope it's healing for them. It doesn't matter how much time Dockweiler will have to spend behind bars. The focus remains on the victims and what they need from this moment. Sure, Maddie requires Dockweiler to acknowledge her presence. The scene really isn't about him.

Chandler ultimately helps Maddie the most. The young officer needs the guidance from someone she now views as a maternal figure. She respects Chandler's opinion. She's completely in the dark about the federal investigation targeting Chandler and Bosch. They strive to protect her. She doesn't need to know what they've done to preserve their sense of justice. Maddie has her own life worth living. They always worry about her. That feeling never truly goes away. Maddie remains paranoid and traumatized as well. However, she's taking steps forward. She's doing what she needs to do to process the events and express her individuality once more. She may suffer repercussions at work out of fear that she isn't prepared for the demands of the job. She argues that she continues to be of service to the community. She is committed to the work. She won't compromise anyone's safety. She is safe confiding in Vasquez whenever she needs. Perez also offers his support even though it's much more caught up in the romantic dynamic they have. They've been living together. It was a way to get out of her father's house. She also just clung onto the first opportunity that presented itself. Now, Maddie needs to explore what she actually needs to feel secure. She can't allow others to dictate the terms - including those who have good intentions.

Elsewhere, Bosch and Chandler confront Ramirez about working for the FBI. They need to know what information has been handed over. Ramirez was caught in a lie. He changed his story. It was an innocent mistake. He hasn't grown jaded in this profession to know better. Bosch and Chandler call out the lies and deception right away. The FBI agents employ typical tricks to force cooperation. It's obvious. And yet, it was threatening to Ramirez. He didn't know what to do. Chandler doesn't know if she can trust him anymore. He didn't call her or Martin when he got in trouble. Instead, the situation has only gotten worse. Nothing is currently disrupting Bosch or Chandler's lives though. The judge in the Foster case demands both sides negotiate a deal so it no longer takes up space on his schedule. He too is completely biased in favor of the prosecution. It's open-and-shut in his mind. Chandler has gathered evidence to suggest it isn't that simple. She tells Foster not to accept the offer. He places his trust in her. Bosch is getting closer to the truth. He hasn't uncovered all of it. Simply showing up at the Nguyen brothers' store is enough to compel Ellis and Long into action. They stage yet another crime scene. They kill anyone who has the possibility of disrupting their criminal scheme. That's the inevitable choice they must make. They feel no remorse about it whatsoever either.

Ellis and Long lead with that certainty. Urgency is required in this situation to keep them safe. They monitor Bosch's movements. They spy on him as he delves deeper into their world. All of Bosch's police training has led to this moment. He knows how to react. He's not worried about anything. He still has moves to make to preserve his standing. All of that is cohesive to what has come before. Meanwhile, Mo gets distracted with a completely new storyline. He just met Jade Quinn and immediately moves to try to save her. She details how she's being blackmailed by an ex-boyfriend who's holding her family's medical records hostage. Mo breaks into a pharmaceutical company to hack the criminal. He's motivated to do so without her pleading for help. She's comfortable handling it by herself instead of dragging him in. He shows initiative. He reveals an interior life that is more than just doing whatever Bosch wants. Bosch still expects a lot from him. Mo provides technical support. Bosch also just passes off menial tasks he doesn't want to do. Those are seemingly beneath Mo as well. And yet, they still provide vital clues. That work must be done. Mo having a life doesn't interfere with his responsibilities. He's simply risking a lot. Bosch, Chandler and Maddie have done so before. Mo is a newcomer to that level of narrative stakes. As such, it's not immediately earned while setting up further complexity to be explored later on.