Friday, May 10, 2024

REVIEW: 'Law & Order: Organized Crime' - Stabler and Randall Take More Drastic Action to Help Joey in 'Goodnight'

NBC's Law & Order: Organized Crime - Episode 4.12 "Goodnight"

Stabler and Randall give Joe Jr. the choice to get clean or go to prison. Vargas and Jet's plan to cut off Emery's smuggling routes leads to a dangerous rescue attempt.

"Goodnight" was written by Amy Berg & Will Pascoe and directed by Gonzalo Amat

Stabler began investigating Emery's criminal network because he was worried about Joey. He doesn't want anything bad to happen to his younger brother. In order to gather information, he isolated himself from his family. He went undercover again. He has returned to deal with that personal fallout now. He doesn't know when the next shipment is coming in. Joey does. In fact, Joey has risen to a high-level position within Emery's network. Their partnership began during Joey's military service in Afghanistan. He chose to protect Emery when the local warlords tried to intimidate him. That action resulted in his dishonorable discharge. He threatened to upset the delicate balance of power and control in the area. Emery knew the Americans were preparing to pull out. He saw the importance of looking down this pipeline to ensure the prosperity continued. He wasn't in danger. However, Joey took action. Moreover, his addiction made him pliable. He was the exact kind of expendable player Emery could recruit into his service. That hasn't compromised him yet. It was only a matter of time though.

Everyone knew Joey was a junkie. They knew that could make him a liability at some point. It also meant he didn't ask any questions. He only saw what he wanted to. He doesn't believe he carries any personal responsibility for Sam's death. Sam only began looking into this criminal organization because Stabler wanted him to. It wasn't sanctioned by the task force. Sam going at it solo is what ultimately got him killed. No backup was coming to save him. He wasn't protected in the field. Tobias killed him. That is confirmed. Joey had nothing to do with it. Stabler still uses that information to get through to his brother. He and Randall abduct him off the street and force him into withdrawal. They lock him in a room until he overcomes these symptoms. They do it because they care. He fears he is about to lose everything because his family doesn't understand the danger he is in. Stabler knows all about the mess Joey has entered. His brother couldn't surprise him in any way. It's still precarious because Joey fights for his freedom. When Randall lets his guard down, that's when he makes his move. It's successful after a failed attempt too.

Joey wants to present himself as the inside man for the task force. He has already established trust with Emery. As such, no one will question his motives. He can return to the fold declaring he endured withdrawal to better perform for the operation. Tobias doesn't buy the story. Emery may not either. It's largely about Joey convincing himself. He needs to think this is believable enough to make things right for Stabler. He agonizes over the look his mother had during their last interaction. She was terrified of him. She still cares about him. He wants to do better. He believes helping the police take down Emery is the only thing he can do to make that a reality. Stabler worries. He jumps into action the moment Tobias pulls a gun on Joey. The police are on the outside looking in. They are operating in the dark. Their technology is unreliable. Sure, they got an upgrade this season with Vargas' program. That still has its limitations when dealing with this particular group of criminals. This threat is more extreme than anything else they have faced this season. The criminals are constantly covering their tracks. That makes the situation more dangerous for Joey. Yet he appears to handle himself well. He continues to present as an ally. It's just more complicated because of the personal stakes involved.

Trisha is furious upon learning Stabler's brother is involved with Emery's network. It's a massive secret that was kept from her. ATF and the task force are meant to be working this operation jointly. They can't withhold information from each other. They have to be united as a team. That's the only way they are going to prevail. The task force is still driving the investigation forward. The ATF is involved solely to provide more backup when the situation requires. They issue the daunting proclamation of what Emery's latest shipment entails. He is bringing in weapons that can produce massive destruction. He's already lining up buyers desperate for this arsenal. That's the extreme threat Stabler faces at work. Everything in his personal life is already heightened too because of Joey's involvement. That only grows further once Eli shows up with his girlfriend to share the news they are moving back to New York. Stabler worries his son is dropping out of college. He doesn't get an answer. He doesn't have the time to confront what's going on. He quickly has to race into the next situation. That has been his entire life. He has so much love for his family. However, he's not always present with them when they continue to grow in their lives.