Tuesday, September 24, 2024

REVIEW: 'High Potential' - Morgan and Karadec Hope Their Victim Survives Being Pushed Off a Building in 'Dancers in the Dark'

ABC's High Potential - Episode 1.02 "Dancers in the Dark"

As Morgan and the detectives adjust to her new role as a consultant, they investigate the attempted murder of a tap dancer and discover things are not quite as they seem. Meanwhile, Ava learns more about her father, and Morgan surprises her kids.

"Dancers in the Dark" was written by Todd Harthan & Marc Halsey and directed by Marc Webb

Morgan celebrates her first official day working for the LAPD. By the completion of the case, she receives her first paycheck for this role. Everything she asked for to accept this job has already made progress. She has the finances to pay Ludo to care for the children all the time. Moreover, she has the money to pay for the fixes to the car she loves. In fact, Ava and Elliot celebrate when she pulls into the garage with it. Morgan was annoyed she had to deliver the same response as always. She wants to provide greater clarity. Yet it required enough money. That was obtainable given her new position. However, she remains in the dark as to what happened to Roman fifteen years ago. Captain Soto provides some answers immediately. All it took was providing a license plate number. That confirmed her theory. Something happened to him after he picked up diapers. Ava overheard that news too. As such, she has reason to believe her mother on this subject instead of accepting that her father left her for some reason. This is immediate progress that proves Soto is a reliable ally no matter what happens next.

The department remains skeptical of the value Morgan brings to the job. Lieutenant Melon doesn't see why he has to listen to the cleaning lady. He doesn't believe she has something insightful to offer. Soto, Daphne and Oz already accept whatever Morgan suggests. It allows them to have a more relaxed dynamic even though those supporting characters don't have much dimension yet. Again, the focus remains prominently on Morgan. Karadec is the partner meant to deal with her the most. He too is starting to come around to her methods. He takes action once she calls with a new theory she must prove. That's true even in the middle of the night. He's still frustrated by her unconventional methods. He doesn't know if he can deliver all the promises she makes while in the field. It goes against the protocol that has been trained into him. That's how he has reached this position. Moreover, he has plenty to teach her as well. That's most notably centered around the emotional realities of this job.

Karadec was grateful when the crime scene didn't have a dead body. He had reason to hope. The victim could potentially survive after being pushed off the roof and landing on his car. Damien's condition remains uncertain throughout the extent of the investigation. Morgan and Karadec don't know if he will recover. He has plenty of people supporting him. He's not someone with enemies who want to kill him. Instead, the breakthrough in the case comes when Morgan realizes Damien wasn't the target. The assailant was blinded by the moon. As such, Roland remained free and alive for a little while. That didn't last long. The killer ultimately finished the job. That too is part of the reality Morgan must face in this assignment. She figured it out too late. She was powerless to prevent a murder. She didn't get there in time. Karadec consoles her. They won't make the same mistake again. It's better to celebrate Damian's recovery and the killer's arrest. The case is successfully closed. Morgan has plenty to be thankful for. The complexities of life still have an impact though.

Moreover, the narrative suggests that every detail present in an episode will ultimately be relevant to the overall resolution. It's not a narrative that separates itself into parts where some characters focus on one matter while others have their own thread to follow. Oz goes off with Melon to offer a fresh perspective on a robbery case. Of course, Morgan is the only one in the office who knows the bus route. That's how the criminal made his getaway during the two most recent heists. That means Morgan technically closes two cases. They are connected. The criminal hated that Roland reformed. He saw the error in his ways. He would rather dance with Damien. That made the scheme more dangerous and risky. Yet the payoff was still too good to pass by. And so, it was easy for Morgan to lay her trap. She needs him to know how she caught him too. It's not about proving the case in a courtroom. She wants to brag and be noticed. That's her overall presence in this world. It doesn't always fall in line and obey her desires. That doesn't knock her down and leave her defeated. She just has to keep moving forward knowing she has the intellect to figure things out eventually.