Thursday, October 10, 2024

REVIEW: 'Found' - The Team Struggles With Distractions While Searching for a Missing Baby in 'Missing While Difficult'

NBC's Found - Episode 2.02 "Missing While Difficult"

A Black newborn baby is abducted from the hospital while Gabi and the team continue their frantic search for one of their own. Someone from Sir's past pays Mosely & Associates a surprise visit. Margaret has a public meltdown.

"Missing While Difficult" was written by Jennifer A. King and directed by Crystle Roberson Dorsey

Initially, it seems absurd that Mosely & Associates would take on another case while time is running out to find Lacey. Gabi was given a deadline before Trent would arrest her. The search for Lacey is the only reason the team is still together. Margaret and Zeke are struggling to function because they've lost trust in Gabi. They were both willing to resign. Zeke didn't forget about that either. Dhan deleted the email. That too has brought tension to their dynamic once more. Margaret's observation skills are failing because she no longer trusts her instincts. Gabi kept a huge secret for months. No one realized it. She came forward after Sir endangered all of their lives. Moreover, Sir wants the credit for solving all of these cases. The only reason the team celebrates bringing people safely home is because of him. Their wall honoring their work is tainted because of his efforts. His influence looms large over everything they've done. He's dangerous because he has Lacey now. He invaded all of their lives. He suggests he didn't poison Zeke with a lethal dose. Zeke still needs time to flush the toxins out of his system. No one is operating at their best. That's required when Detective Shaker comes in with a case that needs to be solved.

The priority remains on Lacey. However, the team can't turn away from the case of a missing newborn baby. Viola returned to the hospital knowing something was wrong. Her new daughter was sick. She advocated for her family in spite of the hospital repeatedly dismissing her concerns. She spoke up for what was right. In return, someone abducted her baby in the parking lot. She was lifted right out of her arms. Her teenage daughter couldn't chase down the kidnapper. Baby Reign only has a few hours left to receive life-saving treatment. Again, the urgency is amplified to explain the dire need for the team to work on this case as well. This is what they would typically do. They are distracted because of Sir. They can't ignore his presence. They have to play into his game. He wants Gabi to know just how easily he can access her life. He's watching her all the time. He doesn't need a pay phone to communicate with her. He's just as comfortable sitting down on a public bench opposite her. He wants retribution for the pain she caused him. He also feels the need to be of service as well. He must solve these cases because everyone else is too distracted to figure it out. He makes himself feel important. That's exploited but he still remains free.

Reign was taken by her sister and a family friend who saw Viola as a surrogate mother. They did so to receive the attention they previously got from her. They are desperate teens struggling to adapt to a changing situation. Viola wanted this baby. She took every precaution to prevent a dire outcome. She doesn't appreciate being interrogated about her intentions or Margaret having a public meltdown at the press conference. That doesn't help her. It makes her a victim all over again. Lacey's disappearance is relevant. The media is curious about the ongoing status of the case. It's not the only investigation the team is working on. Gabi is always the public face of the work. And so, it's strange when Margaret is the one delivering the message. She is capable of doing so. She connects personally with this story. She knows the pain of losing a child. She wants to provide closure. She also wants to return a healthy baby. She succeeds in that regard. It's largely because of the shame of the kidnappers not knowing how to deal with the health emergency. Medical treatment is needed immediately. The baby can't just be given to another family. It's not that easy. Moreover, this heinous act doesn't have to derail everyone's lives. Accountability must be delivered. However, it pushes one person to a suicide attempt. Treatment is needed all around. Gabi expresses her opinion. Trent has his thoughts as well. He no longer trusts what Gabi has to say.

Moreover, the only reason Gabi's team and the police find Sir's latest hideout is because Christian Evans arrives in town. Christian hasn't spoken to his brother in 25 years. A lot of family drama is being introduced. The premiere teased that everyone now knows Sir killed his mother. She didn't die during an accidental fire. Arson was used to cover up murder. Even at a young age, Sir was smart enough to offer that response. He has spent his life trying to maintain control. He shared a memory of significance with his brother. Christian didn't appreciate it. It left a lasting impression. Margaret trusts the information. It complies with every other detail Zeke has been analyzing. Lacey isn't recovered though. In fact, the trauma only gets worse. She fights to escape. She refuses to be defenseless like she was as a child. Sir insists he is smarter, stronger and faster than her. He proves that to an extent. She knows how to play to his ego and manipulate him as well. That's a crucial asset. It doesn't aide her escape attempt here. It's not for a lack of trying. Sir is injured. He still recognizes when his hideout has been compromised. It's all about recognizing the lack of Gabi's presence at the reunion between Viola and Reign. He spots Christian in the crowd. The narrative is all about reading people. The intensity has gone up because Sir is a wildcard able to do whatever he wants now. That leaves everyone on edge. However, the show is now trying to create a conceit where the basic structure remains episodic while keeping things tense in the search for Lacey. That can't last forever. Right now, the balance works more often than not.