Thursday, October 3, 2024

REVIEW: 'Heartstopper' - Charlie Faces a Self-Imposed Deadline to Tell Nick He Loves Him in 'Love'

Netflix's Heartstopper - Episode 3.01 "Love"

On a trip to the beach, Charlie's desperate to tell Nick how he feels - but Nick also has something he wants to discuss. Tao plans a summer of romance.

"Love" was written by Alice Oseman and directed by Andy Newbery

Nick and Charlie were both a second away from saying "I love you" for the first time. Nick got the first two words out before being interrupted by his mum coming home. Charlie had the words written out in a message. He chose not to send it. In some ways, that was the right decision. The story of the first time they declared their love would always be wrapped up in Charlie's confession about self-harm. That moment offered profound understanding and respect. The two wanted to see and know every aspect of their partner. Afterwards, it was clear they were ready to express their love. They reached that clarity and maturity. It didn't happen. Again, that is a blessing in some ways. It allows the moment when it does occur to stand on its own. It gets to be its own story full of awkwardness that perfectly defines the couple who always wonder "why are we like this?" And yet, it also amps up the anxiety for Charlie. He knows Nick feels the same way. He also puts so much pressure on himself. He feels defeated which only gets worse once he realizes Nick wants to have a completely different conversation. He knew they were on the same wavelength. But Charlie instinctively reacts by saying everything is fine even when it's clearly not. That's his pattern. It's comforting. It hides the dark nature of his spiraling mental health.

Charlie believes being the perfect boyfriend is ensuring Nick never feels pressured into doing something he doesn't want to do. He has spent so much time trying to protect him that he has neglected his own emotional well-being. He beats himself up when he believes he has made a mistake. Nick's bedroom wall is covered with memories they share. That gives Charlie the confidence to finally make his declaration. It's awkward because a door literally separates them. Charlie had a deadline to say these words. He needed to do so before Nick left for three weeks. He had no more time. He thought it was a stupid thing to do. Nick literally runs after him half-naked on the street. They share a laugh about it. It is one of the funniest things that has happened on the show. It's unique. It embraces the cringe while never allowing it to detract from the sentiment being shared. Nick loves Charlie just as much as Charlie loves Nick. This is who they are. This is the perfect moment for them to take this step. It's not too soon. It works for them. That's the only thing that should matter. They would do whatever it takes to care for each other.

Nick and Charlie still have plenty to worry about. The second season concluded with Nick and Tara needing to have difficult conversations with their partners. It ultimately brought Tara and Darcy closer together. Darcy was hiding a part of her life. Tara is aware of everything now. She still loves Darcy too. They are even living together. A tough conversation had to occur. It was the only way to move forward. Nick is so happy when he is with Charlie. The rest of the world fades away. The rest of the time though he is worried about his boyfriend. Now, he is the one in the couple trying to figure out the best way to make the other feel protected. Charlie has an eating disorder. High levels of stress make him want to avoid food. Even during a beach day with the Paris squad, Charlie feels that pressure. It's different confiding in Isaac than it is with Nick. Both dynamics are important. Yet Charlie never wants to feel like he is a burden on other people. When Nick expresses his concerns, the dark thoughts immediately consume Charlie's mind. The only way to escape is to deny. That's his cover story. He runs away. He's angry not because Nick shared his thought. He's upset because he is suddenly someone who needs extra attention. He's become the burden he always wants to avoid.

Everyone feels the pressure of perfection though. They have ideas of what life should be. They don't need to conform to that thinking. Standards still creep into their minds. Tara believes she should be happy living with her girlfriend. Her house is so much better than the living situation Darcy previously had. Darcy has a mother who hates her for her she is. She believed her behavior was nothing more than a trivial tantrum. Darcy will come back with an apology at some point. That's not a life she needs to just accept. She deserves love and support. Tara's family provides that. It's still an evolution of their relationship. They love each other too. That was a hurdle for them last season. Now, they communicate much better. And yet, Tara is afraid of asking Darcy to live with her gran for awhile. That's another possibility. Tara's home will always be open to Darcy. However, Tara doesn't know how to live with her girlfriend. That constant presence requires an adjustment. That's in addition to the pressure of school and making decisions about the future. Darcy doesn't feel rejected once Tara makes her feelings known. She does her best to comfort Tara. They aren't ready to live together. It isn't the only option. They shouldn't feel bad about that. It doesn't reflect poorly on their relationship.

And finally, Tao is trying his best to make the most of every second he spends with Elle. They've only been together for a few weeks. However, he needs to create the most romantic summer because everything will change once the school year starts. Elle insists that nothing in their dynamic will shift just because she's going to Lambert. It's perfectly fine for them to spend some time apart. Tao doesn't have to achieve some artificial version of perfection to win her love forever. He just needs to be himself. He makes mistakes. Those imperfections are charming. His perspective on the world is endearing. He doesn't need to change who he is to impress her. He has already done that. They are dating. He doesn't need to be the only one putting effort into the relationship either. It should be an equal partnership. Elle wants to care for him as well. She wants to nurture their bond even though he is bad at cooking. This pressure doesn't correlate with anything they actually need to do. Right now, they just need to enjoy the bliss of new love. They remain in the honeymoon phase. They don't need to pop that bubble any time soon. Tao risks it by trying to do so much. Taking a step back and relaxing is what's ultimately needed. It's an evolution of understanding for all the couples. It's based entirely on how well they communicate. That forms the basis for the storytelling while never shying away from the serious subject matter that frequently consumes their worlds as well.

Some extra thoughts:
  • Surprisingly, the first shot of the season is on Tori in her bedroom with a handheld fan and an empty drink. Her perspective invites the viewer into Charlie's room to know he has love and support in making this declaration to Nick. She cares while still playfully teasing her younger brother too.
  • Isaac opens up to Charlie about being asexual and aromantic. Charlie understands the former but needs to be educated on the latter. Isaac directs him to Google and doesn't like the responsibility of having to teach others. Charlie knows the Paris squad will be supportive but Isaac hasn't come out to the group yet.
  • At the beach, Nick offers to take Charlie somewhere more private so it will just be the two of them eating. They are interrupted by Tao and Elle before an answer is given. As a result, Nick also just accepts the lie of the two of them being full and satisfied.
  • Charlie loves being picked up and carried around by Nick unless it's followed by spinning around or walking into the ocean. Unlike the end of the first season, Nick actually drops Charlie in. That leaves both of them soaking wet but just as passionate as ever. Charlie felt that energy. That's why he thought that moment would be perfect to declare his love. The communication after derailed that.
  • Nick is a Marvel stan. Charlie never wants to watch those movies with him. Do you think Nick believes one of the stars of the new Marvel series Agatha All Along resembles his boyfriend a little bit?