Thursday, October 3, 2024

REVIEW: 'Heartstopper' - Nick and Charlie Deepen Their Intimacy While Tao's Art Reveals How He Sees Elle in 'Together'

Netflix's Heartstopper - Episode 3.07 "Together"

As the school year comes to an end and the students begin thinking about their futures, Charlie and Nick struggle to find a moment alone together.

"Together" was written by Alice Oseman and directed by Andy Newbery

Nick and Charlie are wrapped up in their pursuit to have sex. They seek advice from their friends. They build it up wanting it to be perfect. They want to set aside one night where they can sleep over. Then, it will happen. However, so much of their personal identities are also wrapped up in this decision. They trust each other completely. They can share their deepest insecurities and vulnerabilities. Sometimes it's easier to relate to another person's struggle instead of acknowledging their own. Charlie wants the opportunity to be a teenager again. He doesn't want to constantly be viewed as fragile. He has so much confidence. He inspires others to take action. Nick is amazed by his boyfriend. He always fills the supportive role. Nothing he went through over the past year compares to what happened with Charlie. It's okay for Nick to admit that Charlie being ill was hard on him too. He needs to recognize that he is completely lost without him. Charlie has the love and support of so many people. They lift him up. They serve that same role for Nick too. However, Nick doesn't always feel like he can be himself. He hides behind the mask of who he used to be. A lot of progress has been made since he came out. Yet he's still afraid about so much in the future.

Nick worries he is the fragile one in the relationship. All of his self-worth is wrapped up in his boyfriend. Without Charlie, Nick doesn't had a good understanding of who he is. He doesn't think he makes any sense when he makes this confession. Charlie understands. He sees that Nick has been going through a tough time too. Charlie only came over because he got into another fight with his mum. The two had a nice evening making dinner together. And then, she said one wrong thing. That was all it took for Charlie to turn immediately against her. He doesn't want his illness to define him. He views his parents as doing that all the time. They constantly worry. They have a right to. They love him. He was hurting for so long and they didn't realize it. They don't want to miss any of the warning signs again. They can't control every aspect of his life. He needs to be his own person. He has to make his own mistakes. Right now, he just wants to have sex with his boyfriend. Everyone loves Nick. They don't have any concerns about the relationship as it is. They still worry about the future. Charlie's mum still frets over the potential of her son being distracted during exams. That's important to her. She just doesn't know how to articulate it well. She'd rather shut down the conversation entirely once hit with the slightest pushback.

Every time Nick and Charlie touch each other now it's sexually charged. They feel it. For awhile, the perspective is largely on Charlie. He confides in Tao and Isaac his concerns about not knowing what to do. He compares his relationship to Tae and Elle's. Tao has been openly bragging about their sex life. He also doesn't share what happened in Elle's interview. That remains a private matter. In fact, opening up and being honest provides Tao with the actual advice that helps Charlie. Some things may go wrong. It takes time to figure out what both Nick and Charlie like. They are taking this step with someone they love. They've waited a long time. Others comment on that. That should be a healthy decision to make. They forego all the pressure to have sex. It's not some milestone to hit. It's an expression of love and commitment. That's what these characters make it out to be. When they act on it, it will be magical no matter what happens. Nick and Charlie get interrupted no matter where they go. It's only during an impromptu meeting where they realize they can take this action. It's built out of respect. That's at the heart of this relationship. They lean on each other equally. And so, they check in to ensure everything is okay. That requires complete honesty. They have that. That creates a wonderfully cathartic moment.

All of the core couples reach the peak of emotional release over the course of this episode. Darcy expresses how much they appreciate Tara's support. Tara believes it was the bare minimum she could do. It was life-changing for Darcy though. It improved their life considerably. They never would have had the confidence to make these decisions without Tara. Their girlfriend can lean on them for that in return too. It's been obvious for awhile that Tara has been under stress. In addition to her academic caseload, she has continued dancing. That's where she truly comes alive. It's also the most distant part of her life. She has to put in the effort just to get to the studio. Nick provides a solution in offering to drive her every Saturday. He continues to be a great friend. Darcy is capable of being there too. They come out as non-binary. That decision has been made. It shouldn't be a big deal. It's an evolution of their relationship. It offers a better expression of who Darcy is. They are fully inhabiting that identity now. It doesn't need to alter all that has come before. These two love each other. It's confirmed they've been having sex for awhile too. They have that intimacy. This is sharing one more detail. Tara offers that support. It doesn't add to her stress. 

Meanwhile, Elle is depressed and uninspired after the radio interview. She knows Tao would fight anyone for her. She still fears he won't understand what she's going through. She sees a barrier between them created from her trans identity. The world is a cruel place for her. She was empowered through sharing her art. That wasn't allowed to be the main story. Instead, her identity had to be the focus. Elle's humanity was completely discarded. Fortunately, the interview doesn't air. Elle has so many advocates in her corner fighting for her. That includes Tao. He has come into his own as a filmmaker. His final pieces are still rough. They are moving as well. He has discovered his own creative passion. He knows how to express himself to the world. It's all in highlighting and uplifting his friends. Charlie really needed that while he was in the clinic. And now, Elle needs the same support. Tao shares how he views his girlfriend. She is the most beautiful person in the world to him. Nothing will ever change that. He will always try his best to understand her struggles. He can't fulfill all of her needs. He can be a supportive boyfriend who steps up whenever the situation requires it. He is her champion. That beauty is special. It can't be ignored. Elle is too talented to let her light dim because of comments from bigoted people.

Some extra thoughts:
  • Ajayi wants Charlie to apply to be head boy. He has witnessed how much he has grown. He's inspired by who Charlie is. His confidence comes from all that he has overcome. He is no longer the shy boy being bullied for being gay. He is part of the community. He can make a difference in the lives of the other students because he knows what people need while in crisis.
  • Farouk offers his own support to Charlie. He didn't come out until later in life. He has found love with Ajayi. He still mourns for the young student who didn't fit in. When he speaks about the importance of Charlie's visibility, it's from a place of personal relevance. He knows what it means to be an outsider afraid to be his true self.
  • Charlie doesn't think he is disgusting or Nick would view him that way. However, he is very afraid of being seen with his shirt off. He agonizes over looking at himself in the mirror. He's drumming again. That passion has been reignited. Dark thoughts still creep in. Even in the changing room for rugby practice, Charlie switches his shirts quickly. Not even his boyfriend gets to peep.
  • Nick has that same aimless and agonizing look when it comes to university applications. He has researched a couple of schools. He doesn't want to look any closer than that. He hides under a blanket because the uncertainty is overwhelming. Charlie lifts his spirits. Nick is also afraid Charlie won't be able to cope if he goes far away for university. That's the dark thought that crashes through his fantasy.
  • Tori and Michael remain absolutely adorable. Charlie is comfortable talking about his relationship with both of them. They offer some advice. Tori says it's better just to sneak out at night. Michael is more sensible in saying that sex will happen whether or not anyone tries to prevent it. Of course, Tori doesn't want to know all the details about her brother's sex life either.
  • That sexual education class is so cringe but incredibly accurate to what too many teenagers are exposed to. It offers no true instruction or insight. It has no respect for or comprehension of the complex emotional issues at hand. Instead, it's all about scaring the students through graphic photos of STIs.